Star light star bright

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I like observing Lunar I think humans call it 'stalking' but I truly mean no ill intent Pollux does it to. It's just ever since since he told us he loved us- liked us romantically. It feels like something is drawing me to him.

"Hey Castor are you still watching him?" Pollux turned to me.

"I am simply making sure he is controlling his power." She gave me a look that told me she didn't believe me at all but I didn't care because I think- I know that's all there is to it. I mean yeah sure he's cute but that's it. I think.

I decided I would check on him and Pollux wanted to come with so we formed Gemini. We went down to Earth and approached Lunar.

"Hello Lunar!" Pollux said in her usual cheery tone.

"Oh uh Hi Gemini. What do you need?"

"We wanted to make sure you were in control." I said and my other half wasted no time in exposing me.

"He was thinking about you a lot!" Lunar looked at us with a confused look.

"I was thinking about your powers." I wasn't going to let them get to me this easily. I mean yeah I was watching him but not because I love him.

"Ok...are you usually thinking about my powers?"


"Anyway Lunar me and Castor gotta get going! Bye!" Pollux yelled and made us walk up.

"What was that Pollux?" I asked

you know how Lunar told us he loved us?" Pollux asked her face turning a darker blue.

"Yeah I think you of all people should know I do in fact remember that." She sighed at my response.

"I know but I wanna know how you feel because I mean...I maybe kinda do like him back!" She yelled and I may not want to admit it to Lunar but I might as well admit it to her.

"I do as well but telling him will be hard." I said I separated from Pollux and she nodded.

"Maybe we can get someone to help us! Someone close to him."

"Like Earth...or Sun but probably Earth."

"Sun's nice but let's see Earth first."

We made our way to Monty's house where Earth was and I suppose we didn't realise by the time we got there it was 10pm. We knocked on the door and we heard a groan before Monty opened the door.

"Who are you?" He leaned against the doorframe.

"Hi Monty I'm Pollux this is Castor is Earth here?" He nodded and called Earth and we saw her come down.

"Oh hi there!" we walked in and sat down. "Is everything ok?"

"We want to tell Lunar we are in love with him but don't know how and thought you could help." They both seemed caught off guard by this.

"I uh I see well...have you tried just telling him?" We shook our heads. "Well just tell him you do. You've said you only feel one emotion so why are you nervous?" Earth asked with a confused Look.

"Well...we don't want to say the wrong thing and hurt him." Pollux said I would never admit I was worried about hurting him but I was. 

"Look Lunar is a simple guy if you tell him he'll get flustered but you wont say the wrong ting if you're honest." Monty had a confident smirk.

"This was sort of helpful." Pollux smiled and agreed with me. We stood up and left the house it was late so we fused and teleported. We arrived at Lunar house to see Jack-O-Moon stood outside it took a while but we convinced him to 'return to the darkness' we rolled our eyes. We crouched down and crawled in the house was to small for us to stand up straight. We saw Lunar playing on a tablet we had no idea what the game was but we seemed to enjoy it.

We walked round the sofa and sat next to him yet he didn't seem to notice so we pulled him closer to us and he let out a surprised yelp.

"What the hell!" He looked up at us and his cheeks turned a pale pink. "Oh hi Gemini."

"We are...we like you as well." we said it in synch Lunar looked back down at his game but also rested into us we decided we had time to watch him play. 

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