Protecting Lunar

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Sun and Moon were walking back home from he creator's old lab. Sun was more then furious Moon's silence spoke volumes. If Moon thought for even a second that Sun was going to let him hand Lunar over to the creator he was dead wrong. Sun had lost his whole family he wasn't going to lose anyone ever again.

The next few days Sun drew up plans for a bunker he knew bunkers were something old Moon loved but what choice did he have. Until the bunker was finished he would just stick around Lunar. He had to protect his little brother.

Just a week later the building was done and Sun had spent a lot of money making it untraceable but also super comfy for Lunar. In order to get the money out without Moon finding out was he told Freddy to to put the money straight into his personal account that way he put half of it in the shared account he had with Moon and if he asked about the pay cut he'd just say Fazbear sucks and of course Moon didn't question that.

Sun went to Lunar's house in the middle night and knocked on the door and the last person he expected opened the door.


"Greetings Sun. Why are you here so late usually people take the time to charge." Sun just sighed and walked in.

"Lunar's asleep right?" Gemini nodded. Sun walked right in and shook Lunar awake.

"WHA-...Sun? what the hell are you doing here so late?"

"I don't have time to explain everything but it isn't safe here I need you to follow me." Sun turned around and waited for Lunar at the front door. A few seconds later Lunar walked out.

"Sun what is going on where are we going!?" Sun didn't want to tell Lunar he had his doubts about Moon...and he didn't want to hurt Lunar if he ended up being wrong. He looked at Lunar who had a very worried expression.

"I- just promise me something?" Lunar nodded. "When we get to where I'm taking won't leave and you won't let anyone in unless they are on a list?"

"Sun I need to know what's going on before I promise that!" Then before Sun could say another word Gemini spoke up.

"Sun...can we tag along?" it was clearly Pollux asking and Sun nodded,

"Lunar I know it's weird and suspicious that I can't tell you anything but I need to protect you and I am asking you to let me...if you decide you don't want to I won't force you but I am begging you." Lunar had never seen Sun like this, usually he was really nervous but he seemed scared.

"Ok I'll follow you." Sun seemed to light up after hearing this he held his hand out to Lunar which Lunar took. Even if Sun was acting off he was still trustworthy.

They walked for what seemed like hours and every second Lunar grew more and more nervous. What was Sun hiding? Was this actually Sun? Then before another worrying thought could enter his head he saw Sun walk over to tree and kick it. 

"Are you sure your brother is ok in the head?" Castor crouched down to eye level with Lunar who just shook his head but then a trap door opened.

"What?" Lunar stared at Sun. Sun gestured for the 3 people to go inside where he input a code and the trap door closed. Lunar looked around it had everything tv's games lots of food...but why none of this made sense. 

"Lunar I need you to promise that you will not open the door to anyone but Earth and Gemini. Can you promise that?"

"What about you and Moon?" Sun shook his head.

"I have to make myself forgot the location of this place and Moon can't ever find out you are here...I know you might not trust me right now but I need you to promise me that no one will come in here except these people." Sun handed Lunar a list. "I can't explain it right now...but it's important to me." Lunar thought for a minute. Before agreeing.

"Ok fine I'll stay here and I won't let anyone in."

"Good- Oh also change the password every's safer that way." Sun gave a reassuring smile. Then a hug. "I love you Lunar..."

"I love you too Sun."

Sun held back tears he wasn't sure when he'd see Lunar again but that was ok Earth would be able to tell him if he's ok. Sun let go of Lunar and walked out the bunker the second he reached his house he deleted the information. After all why keep such useless knowledge you don't plan to share? 

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