I want Sun...

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A/N this is not right after the last part this takes place after the Bloodmoon kidnaps FC video where as the last one took place before.


FC didn't trust the Stichwrath. He didn't want to be here anymore he didn't want to be the Stichwrath's son anymore...but Sun had left him alone but Sun cared...right?

Suddenly there was a loud crash and in came Puppet and...Sun he had come for him.

"Stichwrath we know you're here took a while but you might as come out!" Puppet yelled. 

"We don't wanna fight we just need to talk!" Sun followed. "Are you sure he's here?"

"He is Monty tracked Bloodmoon." Puppet looked around and left the room. Then the Stichwrath came out.

"Well well well hi little brother." Sun scowled as he spoke.

"Where's FC?" 

"Well straight into business huh?"

"Yeah...so you already shut him off or you keeping him around for torment?" Sun put a hand on his hip.  FC crawled out far enough he could see Sun but Sun couldn't see him.

"Why is he here?" FC whispered.

"I haven't shut him off...I might." The Stichwrath smiled at he looked at Sun.

"FC! come here...please I wanna talk to you!" FC crawled out per Sun's request.

"What? You left me you let Bloodmoon take me!" Sun sat down on his knees.

"I'm sorry...I wasn't thinking as your guardian I didn't want to take care of you and I was selfish...I'm sorry I let you get hurt I'm sorry I hurt FC." He's apologising? That isn't what FC expected. "If you want to stay here with The Stichwrath...you can but if you want to come back with me you can...you don't have to stay with me you can go to anyone...so long as you feel safe."

FC stood there he didn't know what to think he had expected Sun to force him back but he was giving a choice? No one ever did that for him.


"FC come on he's trying to trick you I made you!" Sun didn't respond he just sat there. But FC made his decision."

"I want Sun...Sorry Stichy." FC walked towards Sun and for the first time Sun hugged him. Sun picked him up and spoke in a soft tone.

"Let's go home there you can decided who to stay with."

"I want you stay with you."

"Alright then." Sun walked out with FC in his arms.

Sun got out of the lab and saw Puppet there.

"You got the kid! He ok?" Sun nodded. 

"Just let him rest I'm gonna take him to mine." Puppet nodded and Sun took FC home.

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