A lonely Sun

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Ever since Moon had gotten the idea to put the ruin virus in himself Sun couldn't focus...Moon said he wouldn't do anything if Sun said no. If Sun said no would they be able to save anyone? Sun sat on the dock thinking Moon wasn't here yet which meant Sun could be alone to think. Sun liked living here because it was private. He could be alone he didn't have to keep up the ct until Moon got home.

Sun wanted to help everyone but this was insane to him after all he'd be the one removing the virus what if he failed and Moon got hurt. How could he get past that he failed the old Moon he couldn't let it happen again.

Did he really have a choice. If he said yes they could lose Moon or they could save not only their dimension but others to but if Sun said no and they didn't do it people will suffer because for him. Sun just stood there he couldn't talk to Moon about it because so much was going on. Sun had to do so much yet he couldn't see that he was dealing with the day-care and FC and Eclipse and Earth and now ruin and Moon was going to add more on top but Sun could ever see that.

Sun let out a sigh and decided to sleep on it he didn't really want to see Moon right now. He walked up the the stairs and into the house ensuring he locked the doors and then walked into his own bedroom and laid in his bed staring at the ceiling he laid there for what felt like hours before finally falling asleep...although it was more like he passed out became unconscious rather then asleep.

The next morning Sun woke up and just sat there he stood up after 30 minutes and made breakfast then left when he got to the day-care he went to the desk and began responding to the complaints left by parents and after an hour he finished he made sure the parents knew the issue would be fixed if it could be.

After a dealing with the kids for about 10 hours Sun went home and decided that letting Moon use the virus and he would tell Moon he would his loneliness and his fears aside for Moon...he'd do everything he could help Moon and this was helping then he'd do it. So when Moon got home Sun was sat on the couch and Moon walked over to him.

"Hey...you ok?" Sun nodded at Moon's question. Moon thought Sun didn't want to talk so he turned and began walking.

"You can do it." Sun said blankly without looking at Moon.


"...you can use the ruin virus...just be careful." Moon smiled.

"I will."

"If you die you know I'll follow right?" Moon seemed caught off guard by this Sun showed no signs of joking just a blank stare as he looked at Moon. "So just don't let yourself get hurt."

"I won't I promise." Moon hugged Sun and went up to his room.

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