Telling Sun

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I had just woken up after speaking to the old version of me. It was enlightening to know what he was like at least I know he cared about Sun even if he couldn't show it. Sun wasn't back yet and I wanted to wait for him. The other version of me had something he wanted to tell Lunar and Earth, Monty and Sun. However I feel like it's important to tell Sun is message first since Sun was the closest with him. 

 A few hours passed and Sun walked in he seemed tired...I did leave him to do my work as well.

"Hey Sun...uh you alright?" Sun looked at me and smiled.

"I'm fine just a little you spoke to the old you?" I nodded. "Did you tell him what I asked you to?"

"Yeah...can you sit down I wanna tell you what he said." Sun did as I asked he was clearly worried but did his best to hide that fact. "He said- He said he could never apologize enough for what he did to you...he also said he didn't want you to visit him because he doesn't know how he'll act if you do." I looked at Sun who seemed almost frozen I guess he's spent so long blaming himself an apology is the last thing he expected.

"Why...that isn't right." Sun muttered it was just loud enough for me to hear it.


"He didn't...maybe he did but he shouldn't feel bad I killed him." he kept muttering. "This isn't right it doesn't make sense." His rays twitched. I quickly got his attention by placing a hand on his shoulder and pulling him into a hug. I felt his tears fall and very very slowly he wrapped his arm around me.

"It's wasn't your fault."

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