Babysitting with a Bottle of Wine

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"I don't like him," Helen stated bluntly.

She squinted her eyes at Dio, as if looking at him hard enough would make him disappear. At the same time she tightened her hold on your hand. "His head is full of evil thoughts and bad things. Why did you bring him here Y/n? Please don't say that you 'like like' him."

Your eyes immediately darted towards the boy, wary of the reaction he could have to those accusations. Yet he pleasantly surprised you for once and merely crossed his arms. He only looked at you to say something to her.

Then it was him who became surprised when he saw you crouching down to Helen's level.

"Helen, you've always had an amazing knack for telling people's personalities with just a glance, but next time you must keep that information to yourself. Unfortunately, it's considered extremely rude to say out loud, even if it's true. Sometimes other people already know about that person's behavior and ignore it for their gain. In fact those same people will look down on you for stating the obvious while being rude about it. No matter the reaction though, you'd be embarrassing your parents for saying it so boldly, and they'll scold you for it. So next time keep your thoughts to yourself but use that information to protect yourself and those you care about alright? Although you may always feel free to tell me for I'll always be there to support you." You flashed a smile at the end.

You wished that someone in your life had have spoken to you like this, it would've helped a lot in understanding how the world worked earlier in life rather than finding out the hard way.

You quickly added at the end, "Oh, and no, Helen- I don't 'like like' this boy, so no need to worry. He's just... tagging along for a bit, he won't be here long."

If Dio noticed the side glace you shot in his direction, he didn't show the tiniest sign of a reaction. You turned back to Helen to see how'd she react.

She nodded her head at your long explanation, but not before sending another stink eye to Dio. Following it with a 'tut' on the tip of her tongue, she turned on her heel and marched towards the mansion, probably on her way to the kitchen.

"...such a peculiar girl that you've chosen to babysit, Y/n. A spoiled noble brat with a knack for seeing people's true colors instantly. And you have an equally strange method of way of winning her over," Dio commented. "You treat her like more like an apprentice than a child. But for what reason?"

Before replying, you started walking towards the mansion, planning to bring the conversation inside.

As he followed along and walked by your side, you began, "Before you say it, I don't treat her like this in order to 'gain her parents' favor' or anything of the sort. People don't always have an ulterior motive for everything like you do. Simply, Helen is very intelligent, and I'm constantly amazed by her. Yes, her social skills needs some refining, but I'll help her better then. I want to bestow my knowledge onto her, since the most education she'll ever receive is from a governess who couldn't care less if she can read but more if Helen can pour tea the correct way. It's such a shame that her parents are just preparing her for marriage when she could be so much more."

You finished, but Dio's glare lingered on. Hidden in your words, he was able to uncover the true reason why you wanted to help Helen. The irony of it, when you just spoke about people having ulterior motives. The reason why you kept coming over to babysit, dealt with her spoiled tantrums, and had so much patience- it had to be that you saw some piece of yourself in her. '...preparing her for marriage when she could be so much more...,' Was that the situation you were in?

Dio did not comment on it.

He kept silent even when entering the house. His first impression was how... 'homey' it was. A sort of welcoming call that beckoned from within. The house itself was definitely not as grand as the Joestar's, though it was still of an exceptional size. It was also well furnished in the interior, with a notable delicate women's touch in the decor. It was something he noticed that was often lacking in the Joestar's place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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