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A/N: Hello everyone, this is my first story on this site. 

I do not mean any disrespect to the real men who fought in Easy Company, or any soldiers in WW2. 

This is work of fiction, based on the show Band of Brothers. 


Mariah Compton is a 19 year old girl currently working at a hospital in the county of Somerset. Her mother, older sister, aunt, and two of her cousins were nurses; becoming a nurse was in her blood.

By the time she was nine years old she had learned how to stitch someone up, clean wounds, and administer medicine. It came in handy with her family as well as with the other kids in her neighborhood.

When World War 2 broke out Mariah decided to volunteer to be a nurse in one of the local hospitals. She liked her job, and she frequently got to help soldiers who were fighting for freedom.

It was hard work though, and often exhausting and emotional. The way some of the soldiers came in was heartbreaking to see; burns, missing limbs, missing eyes, and sometimes missing chunks of their faces. It broke her heart when she could hear the men crying at night for their mothers or other loved ones. She tried her best to make the soldiers feel comfortable.

When she could she would sit with the men and listen to their stories about life before the war. The soldiers also wanted to know about the pretty nurse that was taking care of them. She told them all about her life; her childhood, her siblings, growing up with a retired Great War veteran for a father, and retired nurse for a mother.

When she told the men stories from her childhood she could see their eyes light up, and their smiles stretching across their faces.

She quite enjoyed making the men smile and laugh. God knows they needed it.


One day as Mariah was making her rounds, her boss - Nurse Calhoun - came up to her and asked Mariah if she could attend a small staff meeting. She looked to the other nurses in confusion - they all shrugged their shoulders, not knowing what was going on.

"Yes ma'am," Mariah said following her boss through the hallways and into an office.

"Ms. Compton, as requested," Nurse Calhoun said.

"Thank you," said a man sitting at a desk in front of her. She looked over and saw another man sitting in the corner smoking a cigarette.

Nurse Calhoun closed the door. "Please sit," the man at the desk said.

Mariah sat down, she felt more nervous than she had ever felt before. She masked her nervousness by holding her head high, and looking at both men.

"Miss Compton, my name is Colonel Robert Sink, and this," he said pointing to the man in the corner, "is Captain Lewis Nixon. We're from the 506th Parachute Infantry, Regiment."

"Pleasure to meet you both." Mariah said smiling.

"Did Nurse Calhoun tell you why we called you in today?" Colonel Sink asked.

"No sir, she didn't."

"Well Ms. Compton, we've called you in here today because Mrs. Calhoun as well as Captain Nixon here think you could be a valuable asset to our company."

Mariah straightened up higher than she knew she could. "Me of value to the army? How? I'm just a nurse."

"And from what Nurse Calhoun says an exemplary nurse at that. She also says you're a beacon of light to the men in this hospital. You help to boost their morale and keep them motivated."

Mariah couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her? a beacon of light?

"Ms. Compton, I do hope you will consider our offer, 506 could really use someone like you." Captain Nixon spoke. 

Mariah nodded her head, "Well," she said. "I accept."

Colonel Sink smiled bigger than she had ever seen. "Excellent, welcome to 506." 

Warriors (Band of Brothers - Joseph Liebgott)Where stories live. Discover now