Chapter 3: Meeting The Men

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Lieutenant Winters and Captain Nixon were tasked with bringing Mariah to the barracks and introduce her to some of the men.

"Do they have any idea I'm joining them?" Mariah asked.

"They do not, you'll be a bit of a surprise for them." Winters shook his head.

"In that case, why not put me in a giant cake and wheel me in?" Nixon choked on the smoke in his lungs, while Winters had put a hand to his mouth to stifle his laughter.

The three continued walking. Mariah knew the men wouldn't accept her right away, she was a woman coming into an all-boys club. She knew they would doubt her; possibly even try to break her so she'd go home. That wasn't going to happen. It didn't matter if the men liked her, it did matter however that they respected her. She would make sure they would.

"Here we are, Easy Company barrack number one." The barrack looked the exact same as the one they had just come from, except this one was slightly smaller.

"Are you ready?" Winters asked Mariah as he put his hand on the doorknob.

"Let's get this show on the road," Winters opened the door and all three stepped inside.

As soon as the men saw Captain Nixon and Lieutenant Winters they stood to attention, hands flying up to their heads in order to salute the two men. They were supposed to be looking at Nixon and Winters but Mariah noticed some of them looking in her direction, sizing her up.

"At ease," Winters said. "Men, I would like to introduce Mariah Compton; She will be one of the medics for Easy Company. She will be training with us which means she will also be on the front lines." Some of the men rolled their eyes. "She is an officer and you will treat as such, do I make myself clear?" Winters yelled at them.

"Yes sir!" The men yelled back.

"As you were," Winters turned to look at Mariah, "Find yourself a bed and get settled in; we have a big day tomorrow."

"Yes sir," She saluted both men.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Winters asked as both men left the barrack.

"I'd be more worried about them." Nixon said. "She's a pistol that one."

Mariah was indeed nervous but she didn't show it, she kept her head high and walked through the barrack toward the only available bed. She would be sleeping beside a skinny guy with jet black hair and green eyes. "My names Joseph Liebgott." The man said putting out his hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you," Mariah said back to him as she started to unpack her bag.

"Man, we don't need no fuckin' broads in our company!" She heard someone say from behind her. "What does she know about being in the army anyway? All she knows is how to do her hair, dress nice, cook, and complain." A few of the men laughed in response.

"So far it sounds like you're the only doing any complaining." Mariah said still unpacking. From the corner of her eye, she saw Liebgott slightly chuckle.

"What did you just say to me?" The man said.

"You heard me." Mariah started, turning around to face him. "Like it or not I'm here, and I'm staying. Get used to it."

"You got a lot of nerve mouthin off to me sweetheart." The man said coming closer to Mariah; she moved forward and met him where he stood.

"Look at you trying to intimidate me, how cute." Mariah started. "I don't scare easy, sweetheart."

The tension in the room was extremely palpable, all the men held their breaths; not knowing what was going to happen next. The man smiled at Mariah; she was immediately confused. Was he testing her? Or had he been serious and she had impressed by him by standing up for herself? She wasn't sure.

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