Chapter 20: Wild Nights

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A/N: This chapter does contain smut. 


The 101st had helped to rescue the Red Devils that were trapped an Arnhem, they were so thankful to them that they decided to throw the companies a party.


"Moose Heyliger, and the American 101st; you've done the Red Devils a great service, making it possible for us to return and fight the enemy another day. To Easy Company, victory, and Currahee."

"CURRAHEE!" All of Easy yelled back. After a few more cheers the party was officially underway.

"Hey pretty lady, can I get you a drink?" A British voice came from behind her. Mariah rolled her eyes and was ready to tell the man to fuck off but when she turned around, she saw Luz's signature grin.

"Jesus Christ Luz, I thought you were one of the Red Devil men."

"That was the point of the accent." Luz smiled. "So how about that drink?"


Luz put his arm out for her to take. "This way m'lady." Mariah rolled her eyes but took his arm. As they passed Joe, he gave her an amused but confused look. Mariah put her hand up in a 'I don't know' manner. Luz led her over to a pile of crates that held various types of alcohol.

"oooh they have wine." Mariah picked a bottle out of the crate and held it in front of her. "What's your poison, Luz?"

"Hmm." He said, looking over the crates. He pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

Mariah and Luz both opened their bottles and clinked them together. "Cheers," both took large swigs.

"Woo! You want some?" Luz asked, holding the bottle out to her.

"I'd rather not." Mariah laughed.

A few hours later Mariah and most of the men were properly drunk. She had been sitting at a table with Luz, Malarkey, Toye, Lipton, Bull, and Buck. The men were playing poker while she sat and watched.

"If I win this next round Mariah has to kiss Liebgott in front of the entire room." Buck said.

"I'm not even playing!" Mariah yelled.

"That's what makes it more fun." He smiled.

Malarkey handed out the cards and the game begun. "Well Mariah, get your lips ready." Buck placed his cards down on the table; Full House. Everyone at the table groaned.

"I guess I better go get my boyfriend." Mariah stood and made her way over to him. "Hey baby." Mariah whispered into his ear.

"How drunk are you?"

"I'd say about a 6." Joe shook his head and laughed.

"What can I help you with?" Joe asked.

"Well, you see, Buck and the rest of the guys were playing poker, and I was just minding my business, drinking my wine; then Buck told me that if he won I would have to kiss you in front of everyone."

"Oh, did he now? Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint, would I?" Joe grabbed the back of her head and pulled her close to him. Mariah put a hand on his shoulder and closed the gap between them. Whistles and cheers came from all around them.

"Was that what you wanted boys?" Mariah yelled at the table of men. The whole table cheered and lifted their glasses or bottles.


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