Chapter 6: Rile Training

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3 months had come and gone surprisingly quick. The company had left Toccoa to go to Fort Benning. There Eugene, Mariah, and the rest of the medics would continue their medic training, and receive jump training as well. They would also receive rifle training; it was unlikely the medics would ever need to use one, however, Colonel Sink thought there was no harm in having them know how shoot one.

Since Mariah had done so well at Toccoa, Sobel had become 10x harder on the girl. He would make her re-do the agility course until he was satisfied. (Which was usually an extra 10 times), made her do late night marches on her own, yelled at her for tiny things such as her foot being 1 inch to the left when it was supposed to be straight, her shoulders not being high enough, and sometimes even a finger being slightly over another one during a salute.

She couldn't wait for rifle training so she could unleash some frustration. Luckily for her that day came two days later. Most of Easy Company had come to watch.

"Medics," Colonel Sink began. "We have gathered you here today as you will be learning how to shoot a rifle. As medics; shooting Germans is not your primary focus. However, we don't feel comfortable sending you into a warzone with no self-defence training. We will also have you join the rest of Easy for hand-to-hand combat training as well."

Mariah nudged Eugene's shoulder with her own. Eugene looked at Mariah, she smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Eugene rolled his eyes and smiled down at the girl.

Sink began to show the medics the basic of the gun they would be firing, then went over basic gun safety with them.

"When I call your name, you will come stand behind this table, and fire your weapon at one of these dummy's we have set up." First up was Eugene. He did really well. He high-fived Mariah as he stood back in line.

"Miss Compton, you're up next." Sink said.

Mariah stepped up to the table, loaded the gun, and put it up to her shoulder. Mariah aimed the gun at her target and fired her first shot; it went right through the dummy's head. She continued firing until her weapon was empty, she re-loaded and fired again until the gun was once again empty. Once she was done, she looked at the target to see where she had hit it. She had managed to hit the dummy mostly in the chest/stomach, however, she did get a few head shots in.

"Is it bad if I'm turned on?" Luz asked the rest of the men.

"Nope, I am too." Malarkey said back.

"Same." Perconte whispered.

The rest of the medics each had their turn. A few of the men were good, a few of them Mariah wouldn't even trust with a slingshot.

"Thank you everyone, that will be all for today." Colonel Sink said.

"Where the hell did you learn to shoot like that?" Eugene asked.

"Seriously! You've been holding out on us Compton!" Liebgott said as he and the rest of the men walked over.

"My dad used to let my siblings and I shoot pistols when we were younger; so maybe I picked something up there." Mariah shrugged.

"So, you've never shot a rifle before?" Eugene asked. Mariah shook her head.

"Jesus," Malarkey said. "Well, we are taking you out for a beer tonight. You too, Doc."

"Thanks, but no thanks." Eugene said.

"Oh, boo you!" Luz said.

"Hey! Be nice to Eugene!" Mariah said, smacking Luz on the back of his head.


Mariah met the men at 7:30 outside of the mess hall. She was wearing her army sanctioned jacket and skirt. She had tights on underneath and a small black heel that strapped over the middle of her foot. She had her dog tags on and showing. Her hair was braided into one braid that ran down her back. (Mariah realized as she was doing her hair that it was getting long. She'd have to ask Liebgott to cut it soon).

"Hello boys." Mariah called to them, cigarette in hand.

"Well don't you look nice." Lipton said.

"I do try." Mariah said.

They left the camp and made the 10-minute walk to the bar. When they walked in, they found a booth over in the corner. "Alright everyone, give me some money, I'm going to get us all some drinks." Luz said. Everyone began pulling out money; including Mariah.

"No, not you." Luz said when he noticed Mariah bringing out her coin purse. "Your drinks are on us tonight."

"Hey Mariah! Let's have a dance before our drinks come!" Malarkey said.

"Absolutely!" As Mariah stood up Malarkey held his arm out for her to take. When they got onto the floor, he grabbed her hand and spun her. They then began to Jitterbug all over the dancefloor. Mariah was having a lot of fun. What she didn't notice was the black-haired, green-eyed man looking at her with a smile.

Liebgott couldn't deny there was a twinge of jealousy in him.

Warriors (Band of Brothers - Joseph Liebgott)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin