Chapter 19: Apologies and Forgiveness

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It took a full 24 hours for Mariah's body to except food and water, then another 48 for her to feel better and be back to normal.

Mariah was currently sitting in the barn with a few of the men, the past few days a German Shepheard had been following Talbert around. Mariah and him were sitting on the ground feeding and playing with him.

A group of new replacements entered the barn. Mariah was too busy playing with the dog to even care or notice. Apparently so was the dog as he wanted nothing but rubs and the crackers Mariah had in her pocket.

Talbert stood up and tugged on the dog's leash. "Come on,"

"Hey, we were bonding."

"He's just using you for the crackers." Luz yelled from the table across from her.

"What are you calling the dog, Tab?" Winters asked.

"Trigger." Talbert answered.

"That's good, I like that."

"I'm glad Talbert got your stamp of approval, Luz." At her comment Luz picked up a pack of crackers and threw them at her.

All of a sudden, the door the barn was kicked open and there was a barrage of screaming. "WE GOT PENETRATION! ALLEY'S HURT!"

"PUT HIM ON THE TABLE!" Mariah yelled. "GO GET ROE!"

"Where am I? What happened."

Mariah moved down to his legs she took his boots off and elevated his legs on a helmet. "Try not to talk hun."

"Where did this happen?" Winters asked.

"Crossroads, where the road crosses the Dike." Joe said.

"If it wasn't for your big mouth this never would've happened." A solider beside Joe said.

"You know what, back off."

"HEY! IF YOU TWO ARE GONNA ARGUE DO IT THE FUCK OUTSIDE." Mariah screamed at the two men. As she looked up, she saw Liebgott putting a large piece of gauze on the side of his neck. She immediately felt bad for screaming but she had a wounded man in front of her, her personal feelings had to be put to the side.

Eugene came running in seconds later. "What happened?"

"He got hit with a grenade during patrol." Mariah said moving back towards Alley's face.

"Lieb use the sulfa." Mariah ordered.

"Let's get this done quickly we gotta move." They were able to get Alley into an ambulance and he was sent to the nearest aid station to be flown back to England. As they went back into the barn Mariah noticed Joe getting his gear together, she wanted to get his neck taken care of.


"What?" His voice wasn't soft like it usually was with her, it was sharp and full of anger.

"Um, we should get your neck fixed up." Mariah's voice was small.

"Not right now." He moved past her to exit the barn.

Joe it could get infected it has to b-"

"JESUS MARIAH, I SAID NOT NOW." He had never raised his voice towards her. She didn't like it. Joe could see tears forming in the bottom of her eyes, it made his heart ache. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, apologize profusely, but he couldn't; he had a job to do. He turned his back to her and walked out.

As soon as he left Mariah turned her attention to the table Alley was previously laying on. She began clearing the left-over gauze off. She threw it into the nearest trash can. As she turned, she saw Eugene staring at her.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Eugene." She smiles and walks back to the table.

"He shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"I know." She sighed. "He's just upset about what happened."

"Thas no excuse. If you love someone you should neva make em' cry." Mariah sighed and rubbed her hand over her face. She knew Eugene was right.

"Don't worry Eugene, I'll talk to him." Mariah smiled.

The two spent the rest of the night cleaning up and talking. A pair of soldiers had shown back up to the barn to let the pair know what had happened. They were also told to get some sleep as all the medics would be needed after the attack the next morning.

After the soldiers left Mariah and Eugene turned to look at each other. "I guess we should check our supplies."


Mariah was helping some soldiers get a man into the back of a truck when she heard her name being called; It was Winters. "Are you two okay to move the next person?"

"Yes ma'am."

Mariah nodded her head and turned to walk towards Winters.......And Joe. 'Fuck', she thought. They hadn't spoken since he yelled at her the night before, not like they'd had a chance to though.

"Mariah, I need you to help Joe take the prisoners back. He's got one bullet in that rifle; we need someone to make sure it stays in the gun."

Mariah chuckled, "I can do that sir." She turned her head to find Joe looking at her. She couldn't read him. He turned around and walked towards the group of prisoners. "Come on Kraut boys."

Joe and Mariah delivered the prisoners to Colonel Sink. As soon as they got outside Mariah grabbed Joe's arm and dragged him to the barn. "Sit." Mariah got her supplies out of her pack and sat them on the table. She wet a few pieces of gauze and began dabbing it on his skin. When the gauze got close to the wound he put his hands on her hips.

"It looks like the wound only needs a few stitches. Can you lay down on the table on your side for me please?" Joe's hands dropped from her waist as he stood up. He made his way to the table in the middle of the room and laid down.

"This is going to sting a little bit." She carefully pushed the needle through the skin above the injury, as she pulled on the thread he hissed. "Just a couple more and we're done." Every time the needle passed through his skin she could feel him tense.

"And we're done." Mariah cut the thread and told Joe he could sit up.

"Can you come here?" Mariah turned around from where she was putting supplies away and made her way over. When she was in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his head on her stomach.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles.

One hand moves to his hair the other the middle of his neck. "I know."

"I was just so mad at myself. That guy was right, if I had just kept my mouth shut Alley would be fine." Her hands went to the back of his head and pressed it further into her stomach. "I shouldn't have taken it out on you, I'm so sorry baby."

She puts her hand on his chin and pushed his head up to look at her. "I forgive you. Just don't ever yell at me again."

"I won't."

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