Chapter 1

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(A/N, Do not steal ideas from this book, these are my original ideas. )

"Let go off me!!!" I shout, complete and utter panic coursing through my voice.

"But 'mam I can NOT let you go, it's dangerous." As helpful as these robots are, right now it could not be any more useless.

"I said let go!" I spat with a venomous tone in my voice, as I do so I yank my arm out of the robots grip, rushing to my mum and dad.

"Skyler! Get away I don't want you to get hurt, we love you, but you have to get as far away from here as possible!" My Dad calls to me through tears. Just as I place my foot to the cold ground a hand gripped my arm once again, dragging me away from the ones I loved, who were getting dragged away themselves to become a victim. A victim of the oh so helpful robots.

As I finally reach my room through all the shouts, our robot, John, lets go off me. At that moment I feel my cheeks dampen, tears spilling out of my eyes like a dam being broken. The ones who had cared for me my whole life were now being taken away to become a walking piece of an iron soul.
"What's wrong?" John asks in a monotonous voice, the only purpose the robots had were to help us with everyday life, not understand the emotions we felt.

" waste of space! You took me away when I could've saved them!" My voice is meant to be threatening but with the stream running down my face, my voice cracks with every word I speak.

"But you were in danger, my duty is to keep you safe and be useful to help you." I just ignore it as I brush my way past it to the living room. A almost inaudible cry for help leaves my lips as my eyes scan the area where my mum and dad have just been taken.

I suddenly feel a warm arm wrap around me, the only family I have left clinging to me to hold himself together.
"Calum." Is all I managed to say to my older brother, we hold each other for what seems like hours, before he finally speaks up.

"Skyler... I want you to know that I wanted to, no needed to, rush to them, but that stupid thing locked me in a room to keep me away, I'm so sorry."
At these words my heart sinks to the bottom of the ocean, it isn't his fault, it's the Robotics Agency's fault. They are the ones capturing everyone. I cry into Calum's shoulder as we both sit there in complete silence.
My eyes shoot open, my heart racing at the same dream I have every night, the same dream to remind me of that awful night I had lost my parents. But there was nothing I can do that would bring them back. Even if I found them, they wouldn't even remember me. Every robot existing with us today are innocent human beings who have been captured and been implanted with a robotic chip in the neck to completely override the human soul to a robotic soul.

It all started when some supposed genius had the idea to create robotic personal assistants, but made the mistake of implanting all his studies and experiments into a person to see what would happen. So that leads us to the messed up world I live in today.

(A/N, HIIIIII so how did you guys like that?? Vote, comment pleeaaaseeee! there WILL be plenty more of the story to come so I won't leave you hanging around waiting for another chapter when there won't be one. Ok well talk to you in the next chapter! xx

- Ally xx

( Vote, comment, share it would mean a lot xx)

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