Chapter 9

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Skyler's POV

Once I had found Luke after Ashton left I sent him off to his separated room, not ready to face him again after I betrayed mine and Ashton's relationship many times today. I'm now laying under the silky covers of my purple blanket ready to sleep. Except one thing is stopping sleep from taking over my body. Guilt. I was caught up in the moment way too many times today and I'm not going to let it happen again.

If this means avoiding Luke then by all means if that's what I have to do then I'll ignore him. I don't want to obviously but I can't risk it happening again for two reasons. Firstly, I have a loving boyfriend who would be crushed if he found out. Secondly, if the Robotics Agency found out about it they would remove Luke's robotic chip and smash it, eliminating his existence since physical interaction between a robot and a human is illegal. None of these things should ever happen, but one of them is inevitable. The question is, which one?

I roll over to my other side while thoughts run through my mind like a race car zooming down a track, never stopping. But like all race cars that come to a stop, so do my thoughts as unconsciousness takes over me after many restless hours.

Luke's POV

My eyes flutter open as the blinding glow of daylight shines through the window in my cramped room, causing me to close my eyes again straight after. Nope, fûck off sun, I want to sleep. I groan as I shove my face into the soft pillow underneath me, my breathing is starting to falter since the heavenly material is blocking my nostrils. I lift my head up to take a deep breath before smashing my face back into the pillow. This is how every morning starts for me.

After fighting the internal war going on in my head about whether I should get up or not, my legs swing off the bed, dragging my body along with them. Except I forget to stand, making me collapse to the carpet covered ground face first. My life would be easier if I was a morning person. My eyes wander upwards towards the hologram above the side table placed next to my bed, the time reading 8:59am. Might as well cherish another minute of sleep before Skyler wakes up.

Before I can even close my eyes again my alarm clock goes off, the sound echoing through the silence of the room. I clear my throat before speaking, "Turn alarm off," with that silence takes over again. That is, until I raise my voice once again. "What's the date today?" I wait a couple of seconds for an answer until my ears are filled with the sound of a robotic voice coming from the hologram. "The date is the Seventeenth of November, 2215"

Shit! I have to go to the Robotics Agency today like all the other robots to get my chip upgraded. It's boring as hell and I don't even know why they still bother with me anymore, since they always have troubles. Yet they still insist that it's 'mandatory' and that 'I still have to get it checked otherwise other robots would get suspicious'. Bullshit. Us robots only care for the safety and assistance of our humans, that's what we're programmed for. Not what's going on in a fellow iron souled persons life.

I grip the side of my bed and push myself to my feet, this time succeeding to stand up. I hastily get dressed so I can be of assistance in time for Skyler. Skyler.

I haven't even thought about the kisses we shared since last night after I went off to hide when Ashton arrived. I don't know why I even kissed her again, sure I felt something, felt a lot actually, but my rust bucket of a soul wouldn't allow me to feel actual emotion. She must be feeling really guilty now, I think to myself as I jump up, wriggling into my skin tight jeans. They are only up to my knees so I have to jump again, resulting in my face buried within the carpet again. At least my jeans are on.

I finish buttoning up my more formal black t-shirt, then slip into some black converse before I clean my neck. Just another procedure of many you have to do before getting your chip checked. Having to clean the area where it's implanted in your neck is this one. Once my teeth are brushed and the hair that was just flat to my head is now sticking straight up, I leave my room to go to Skylers.
"Skyler? Are you awake?" I whisper softly through the crack of the door. No answer. I repeat myself and she shifts to her side so she's facing the door. She opens her eyes, well squints her eyes, then let's out a string of mumbled words followed by her standing up and heading towards the door. I think she's going to open it when she makes eye contact with me, but no, she slams the door right in my face causing me to jump back. What?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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