Chapter 6

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Luke's POV

a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that increases rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and prepares muscles for exertion.

All the side effects of adrenaline are taking over me as I sprint towards the spot I have just seen Skyler disappear under the water. Before I can even think about what I'm doing I find that my face is being hit with ice cold water, followed by the rest of my body as I dive into the water. Shivers run down my spine at the coldness of the lake, I want to just be out of the water and in the warmth of the sun. But I'm in here for a reason, to save Skyler before her body turns ice cold permanently. Every move I make is completely subconscious, my mind is just one big hurricane of worry, anxiety, fear and adrenaline.

My eyes start to feel a slight burning sensation from the water surrounding them, my eyes slightly squinting as I strain to see Skyler. I catch sight of a wide-eyed Skyler, furiously holding her breath. I propel myself forward at a rapid pace, diving deeper and deeper, as she was sinking, deeper and deeper. My hand clasps around her wrist and I kick with all the strength I have within me to move upwards. Normally I would've sunk right to the bottom of the lake with her in my arms, since I'm not particularly muscular, therefore not having the slightest bit of strength in my bones.

But right now, in this situation, the situation to save her, I find the strength, the adrenaline that's pulsing through my veins helping immensely as I make my way to the surface. Thoughts whirl in my head as I do so, 'What if I didn't get to her in time?' 'What will she say when she sees me, and asks why I'm even here?' 'What if she's still alive, but I can't get the water out of her lungs, she'd die right before by eyes' At my last thought a fierce determination washes over me like a tidal wave, I reach the surface in record time and swim to the nearest piece of land.

I drag her onto the grass covered ground and lay her down, immediately pressing my hands to her chest repeatedly. I've only had one lesson on how to do CPR and only remember a little of it, but I honesty don't care, I'm just praying that this'll work. "Skyler, please, open your eyes, breath, just anything." Tears threaten to spill from my stinging eyes, I can't handle seeing her like this, what if she doesn't make it? Have hope in yourself Luke, you can do it.

I press my hands to her chest with more force this time, immediately getting a reaction. Large amounts of water start flowing out of her mouth, gagging sounds emitting from her mouth as the water starts to build up in her throat. I roll her over onto her side, making it easier for the trapped water to escape. For the first time since she's been on land her eyes flutter open, lips slightly parted. "Oh my god Skyler! You're alive!" I yell, embracing her in a tight hug, I feel like if I let go she'll crumble to pieces. Skyler wraps her arms around my neck and I pull her closer to me so that her head his resting on my chest, my chin on her head.

"Thank you so much Luke, if you weren't here I don't even want to know what could've happened." She mumbles into my chest before slightly pulling away, now our foreheads are pressed together and an emotion sparks within me. Soon enough I find myself leaning in, inching closer and closer to her lips before connecting them with mine. A million butterflies erupt and burst throughout my stomach as I start moving my lips against hers. She looks shocked and I can feel her physically tense, but then she relaxes and pulls me closer, slightly tugging on my hair as her hands make her way to my now dripping wet hair. My grip on her waist tightens, I never want this to end, but what if she doesn't want this? Shit. What about Ashton? I detach myself from her and she looks confused as I take a few steps back.

She pouts and then it looks as though she's just had an epiphany by the way her eyes widen, I'm assuming it's what I've just thought because she starts pacing back and forth, nervously chewing on her lip. I stand about a metre away from her, staring at the ground but occasionally looking over to Skyler who remains silent, pacing around. She looks as though she's both processing what just happened mixed with a look of guilt and concern, deep in thought.

If I'm completely honest with myself, I enjoyed the kiss, a lot actually. I wouldn't take back that moment for anything anyone could offer me. I'm pretty sure Skyler regrets everything that just happened, but I don't, even though I should be regretting it and thinking how wrong it was I just can't. It was amazing and gave me some sort of powerful emotion that I can't detect.

"Skyler, what are you thinking about?" She snaps her head towards me before hesitantly answering.

"Can we just forget that ever happened? I hate myself for doing this to Ashton, what will he say when he finds out?" A tear rolls down her cheek and my stomach sinks as her words register in my brain 'Can we just forget that ever happened?'  I don't want to forget it, and the fact that she thought nothing of it and wants to forget it makes my heart feels like it's being torn in two. I don't know why I'm feeling this way, I shouldn't be feeling like this, no robot should feel this way to their 'owner'. I put the thought to the back of my head, and focus on a crying Skyler. She's now sitting down on a faded patch of grass, legs crossed and her head in her hands to muffle the sobs.

I take a spot next to her on the ground, pulling her into my chest and securing my arms around her as if she would break and fall apart if I didn't hold her tight enough. "Are you okay?" I ask softly, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"When Ashton finds out he's going to break up with me, and I love him and don't want to lose him." My shirt dampens as her tears fall freely onto me, making me feel guilty for kissing her. I'm the reason she's feeling this way and I hate that I caused this.

"Well why would he find out?"

"The guilt will eat me alive and I'll spill to him, or he'll hear word about it from people. I don't know really, but what I do know is that one way or another he'll figure it out."

"It can be our little secret okay? He doesn't have to find out, and nobody that you know would've even seen us, it'll be okay." I stroke her arm with my finger tips in a comforting manner, trying to calm her.

"I guess you're right, but I already feel awful about it and I haven't even seen him yet" An exasperated sigh leaves her lips as she looks me straight in the eye.

"Why'd you kiss me Luke?"

"I- uh-I- don't know actually, I just got caught up in the moment I guess?" It's silent for a few moments until she replies.

"This is hard for me to admit, but I felt something, you know, when we kissed. It was a good, no, great feeling, and so was the actual kiss. But I still feel awful, so don't take any offence to how I'm acting, you just gotta put yourself in my shoes." A smile and blush creeps onto my face when she finishes speaking, she felt it too?

"Hell no girl, I'm not putting myself in your shoes, you own like 8 inch high heels!" I joke as she giggles and rolls her eyes. It feels like my heart is slowly joining back together, but then drops from a ten story building as I look in front of me.

Michael is standing behind a tree not too far away from us, his facial expression mixed with a villainous smirk and a glare, staring right at Skyler and I. It's in that moment when I see that glimmer in his eyes that I realise. Michael tried to drown Skyler.

A/N HELLLOOOOO, hope you enjoyed the chapter PLEASE vote/comment/share, it means so much to me when I get a vote or a comment so keep up the voting. If there are any silent readers out there, please vote, I work hard on these chapters and it means the world to me when I get a vote. Shout out to Directioner_YOLO17 bytheangelhemmings LILDarc Asian_NotAsian for commenting/voting, I know I mention you guys a lot but I'm grateful that you're reading XD Another shout out to hoodie222 for adding this story to her reading list! I flipped out (in a good way) when I saw that, so thank you!! ilysm x I love the people reading this story, I'm always up for a chat so message me! 😊

-Ally xx

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