Chapter 8

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Skyler's POV

My skin feels like it's been set on fire, everywhere Luke's hands are ignite flames within me. One of his hands is wrapped around my waist whilst the other is cupping my cheek. The smoothness of his hand on my face and his lips on mine makes it seem so surreal. I never want this to end, I never want his lips to leave my own, I never want him to be out of my reach.

I'm brought back to reality when a knock sounds at the door before it's swung open. "Hey Skyler, thought you might need some help with what to say to Luk-" Calum has waltzed on into the room before seeing the situation thats occurring at the moment, being immediately cut off from his sentence.

"Oh, I'm assuming it went well?" He smirks and waggles his eyebrows at us, causing Luke and I to blush deeply.

"Are you just gonna stay holding each other or?" I realise that Luke's hands are still on me and my arms are around his neck. We detach ourselves abruptly, erupting a laugh from Calum.

"I hope you were planning on using protection you kiddos!" Calum shouts between laughs as he runs out of the room, knowing I'd attack him if he stayed.

"I'm going to kill you Calum!" I scream as I leap to my feet and sprint out the door to find Calum. I reach the front door just as he does and I take the opportunity to tackle him to the floor.

"Oh my god Skyler! Get off me!" I continue to sit on him as Calum struggles to escape.

"No, because you're too disgusting for my liking."

"Please, I could've said things that were way worse! Like I could've said, 'It's a good thing you hopped on the bed and not his di-"

"Calum!" I yell and slap him right in the face. All he does is smirk at me, so I slap him again. A red mark starts to form on his face from my slaps but he still continues to smirk.

"Or I could've said, 'It's a good thing it's not Christmas, because if he was wearing a mistletoe belt...'"

"Oh my god! Shut up you dirty minded freak!" He chuckles at my reaction and pushes me away from him as he makes a run for the door.

"Cya sis! Remember what I said, use protection!" Calum quickly grabs the door knob then sprints to his car before driving off way above the speed limit.

"Your brother is an extremely dirty person." I jump at the sudden voice and turn around to see Luke with a bright red face.

"I'm so sorry you had to hear that."

"S'ok, it was quite funny actually, especially when you started to bitch slap him." Luke giggles while running a hand through his hair. I giggle with him and get up from the floor, trying to focus on Luke and not the things Calum said about him. That's when I realise what I just did, again.

"Sorry for kissing you, I- I don't know why I did, I just, uh-" My jumbled sentence is cut short when Luke smashes his lips to mine. What the hell is going on today? I decide to go with it and enjoy it while I can. Before the guilt gets to me. Our lips mould perfectly together and my heart is leaping out of my chest. No matter how many times we have done this today every single time the feeling gets better and better. The sparks of fire ignite more and more. The need to kiss him all day gets stronger and stronger.

I can feel Luke smile into the kiss, which brings a smile to my face as well. He places a hand on either side of my hip and drags me closer, our chests now pressed firmly against each other and our breathing heavy. He lightly pushes me against the wall as my hands find their way to his hair and entangle themselves in the golden locks. I tug on his hair to pull him closer, succeeding easily. Before the kiss can get heated in any way another knock is heard, from the front door this time.

"Sky are you in there?" Ashton's recognisable voice calls from the other side of the door. My mind fills with guilt and nervousness, what do I say to him? I feel absolutely awful about what I've done but it felt so right. I need to tell him, but then again I can't. He'll hate me for what I've done and never speak to me again, I can't deal with that because I love him. I love him, but who is him exactly? Luke steps away from me and whispers in my ear.

"Don't let the guilt get to you Sky, play it cool and act like nothing happened. By the way, we should do this more often." He sends me a wink then presses his lips to mine for a couple of seconds and my eyes close for that time. When I open my eyes I find that Luke has already head off to hide somewhere.

"Come in Ash!" I sigh as he enters and wraps me in a hug.

"Hey beautiful." He mumbles into my neck as he kisses up my neck until he reaches my lips. Don't do that. God why do you have to make it so hard for me to hide this from you?

"Hey." I say against his lips before he pulls away, still holding me. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to see if I could come over tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, sure Ashton." I remove myself out of his grip and attempt to walk to the kitchen, but he has other plans.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ashton speaks softly as I'm pulled back into his chest.

"Nothing, I'm fine." My voice comes out rushed and panicked as I try to think of anything but the kisses.

"You look worried, almost...guilty?"

"What would I have to be guilty about?" I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as he stares at me, making me feel uncomfortable. His eyes studying my every emotion and movement that I show in my face.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"There's nothing for me to be guilty about Ash. Anyway, you wanna go grab something to eat at the café?" He raises an eyebrow at me and continues his suspicion detecting stare on me, finally giving up he answers.

"Hmm, I believe you. And sorry babe I can't go out tonight, I have planning to do."


"Yeah, it doesn't matter what the planning is for, it's none of your business." His tone has an edge to it that makes me mentally question what he's up to. I shrug off the feeling, thinking it must be nothing and reply casually.

"Alright, see you tomorrow night." I go to hug him but he storms out of the room before I get the chance. Ashton has been acting a little weird lately but just now I've properly noticed it. Pushing the thought to the back of my mind I roam the house to find Luke again.
Ashton's POV

"Michael, I'm going to have to do the next phase of the plan tomorrow night. I think it'll be better if we get this over and done with." I say as I plop into one of Michael's leather office chairs that surround the metallic table in his lab.

The walls in the lab are painted black with a silver coating around the edges. There are numerous tools hung on the walls, and they're not your everyday gardening tools. A robotic chip implanter is hung up next to a paralysing gun, across from them is a wall overflowing with various types of guns hanging from it. Pretty much your typical everyday lab.

"If you're okay with moving the plan forward then go for it, doesn't bother me." Michael starts, following to dramatically turn around to face me in his own chair.

"You're the one that's doing this entire phase of the plan, and it's a crucial part of it, so whenever you're ready, jump into action." He reaches behind him for a box and then hands it to me.

"You'll need this," He adds. I take the small box in my hand and open it to reveal what's inside. Well this should be interesting.

Hey sorry again for the late update I mentioned last chapter :'( I love you all so much and shout out to sentatheunicorn because she met the guys and gave a message to Ash for me XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD <3 Lub you! Ok, byyyeeeeeee

-Ally xx

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