Chapter 5

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I watch as everyone files out of the house, everyone saying quick goodbyes to me before leaving. Michael is headed towards me so I smile and go to hug him, but instead he just walks right past me. "Michael!" I call out in hopes of getting him to notice me, he quickly glances at me before returning walking towards the door again.

"Michael!" Repeating myself he comes to an abrupt halt, spinning himself around to look in my direction. His bright green eyes are burning into mine, he looks infuriated but I don't have any idea why. "What?" He snaps as he moves his feet to get closer to me, now standing right in front of me I gulp. His facial expression hasn't changed and it's quite intimidating, he's not the same Michael I used to know and love, my best friend is gone when he puts a look like that on his face. Noticing my reaction he takes a step back and speaks up, "Sorry"

"S'ok Michael, but what's wrong?"

"Nothing" He mumbles, looking down at the floor now, having sudden fascination in his shoes.

"Tell me, what's wrong, I know you're not telling me something and I have the right to know, considering I'm your best friend. At least used to be" I mumble the last part under my breath with my head down, but he heard. Suddenly I feel two warm fingers rest under my chin, slowly lifting my head up to face him.

"Skyler, you will always be my best friend so don't say that, nothing has changed, alright?" He assures me in a soft tone.

"Alright, but what's wrong with you then? You don't have to keep secrets from me Michael." I'm starting to get frustrated at his stubbornness.

"Look listen to me Skyler, there are two types of secrets amongst humans, the first type is the ones you can share with the people you trust. But the second type are the secrets that are only meant for you to know, the ones that you'll carry to your grave that no one else will know about. What I'm not telling you is the second type of secret, so just drop it, ok?" Giving him a pleading look he just shakes his head, half sighing, half chuckling. I pout but reply,

"Ok, but I'll find out somehow, you know I will" I say jokingly as I point my finger about a centimetre away from his face. He chuckles once again and gives me a warm smile before shifting on his feet. We stare at each other for a few moments, awkward silence slowly consuming us, before he interrupts the silence, "I better go, I'll see you tomorrow Sky"

"Alright sure, can't wait!" And with that he turns around and walks out the door and towards his car. I'm left in the large room alone before I hear a few steps, I jump a little in surprise, since everyone has left already. Slowly realising who it was my suspicions are confirmed as the mystery person speaks.

"Can I come back in now?" A hushed voice calls out to me, turning around a corner I see Luke slouching behind a  wall.

"Yes Luke" I whisper to him even though I'm right next to him now. He laughs softly before turning the corner I had just come from, making his way into the living room.

Luke's POV
As I walk into the living room I'm greeted by the sight of alcoholic drinks spilt all over the floor and benches and numerous shot glasses scattered everywhere. On the floor is bits of squished cake from the idiotic drunk people. Instead of everything looking like a normal birthday party it looks like a frat house just moved in.

A sigh slips from my mouth as I suddenly realise I have to clean all this up, Skyler will want to help me but I'll refuse her like I do every time. I'm a robot for a reason, to be a personal assistant to her, but she's told me an innumerable amount of times that she's repulsed by the whole idea. I shouldn't complain because every other robot I've come in contact with always tell me that I've got the easy life, where as they work all day long and are more like slaves than personal assistants.

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