Chapter 4

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"Cya Ash!" I call out to Ashton as he walks back to his car. After all the food we ate, no, I ate, I'm exhausted so as soon as I step inside my house I run to my room. "Skyler? Are you okay? He didn't do anything did he?" I hear Luke ask me with worry in his voice.

"S'all good!! I'm just tired Luke" He walks into my room and stands in front of me, looking over my face. His intense stare is giving me goosebumps, but the feeling it gives me is weird. It brings a smile to my face and I don't know why so I quickly bring my lips into a thin line. I think I can see him frown a little when I do so, but I'm sure it's nothing.

"Ok, you're alright" He mumbles with relief and annoyance. Huh, that's weird , I think to myself.
"Exactly Luke, why wouldn't I be?" Trying to chuckle a little I fail so I just wait for his answer.

"It doesn't matter" He says under his breath then tries to leave. Before he can go I grab his wrist and turn him around, knowing what's he's probably thinking I try and reassure him. "He would never hurt me, I know it's your duty to protect me because your my robot, but that doesn't mean to think everything is a threat, okay?" I place my hand on his shoulder and he sighs in defeat before answering,

"Okay." I let go off him as he walks towards the door once again. "Good night Skyler" Luke smiles as I walk to the bed, "Good night Luke"

"Aren't you going to change or...?"

" Oh, right, yeah I should get my pjs" I blush as I quickly head off to the closet.


"Skyler" I awake at the sound of Luke's voice echoing in my ears. I slowly open my eyes and I see Luke with a box in his hand. The box looks like a.. present? "Morning birthday girl!" Smiling sweetly, he hands me the box. Once he realises the confusion on my face he just rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Did someone forget their own birthday?" He sarcastically sighs dramatically and engulfs me in a hug. His embrace is so comforting and warm, making me forget the world around me. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck, listening to his steady breaths. We pull away from each other at the same time, realising we had been holding each other for longer than necessary. "Thank you for the present Luke, bbuuuutt, it's not my birthday" I state before walking over to my calendar. His eyes move with my body as I reach it, his face holds an amused expression. "See today is the.." I trail my finger along the days until I reach today's date. "It's the- SH*T! It is my birthday!" Luke just throws his head back in laughter.

"So someone did forget their birthday?" He asks with and eyebrow raised, trying his best to be serious but fails miserably and starts to laugh again. "Oh shut up!" I walk over to him and playfully punch him in the arm. He puts his hand to his arm, faking injury "I may be a robot, but I still can have feelings you know" He says while wiping away a fake tear with his other hand. It's my turn to laugh now, I remember the present he had so leap onto my bed and start ripping it open.

"Whoa, easy there," he grins and sits beside me. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him biting down on his lip nervously, an anxious look covering his facial features. Once the lavender coloured wrapping paper is off I slowly open the box that has been revealed. A gasp leaves my lips as the sight of a silver necklace with a sapphire and diamond studded heart as the charm, fills my eyes.

"L-Luke, it's beautiful! I love it!" Relief seems to wash over him as he breaks out into a childish grin. I lunge myself towards him with such force that he falls back, I managed to wrap my arms around his waist before he fell back so I'm now on top of him hugging him. He looks a little shocked but then wraps his arms around my waist. I can feel the side of my face burning and then I realise that Luke is blushing furiously at the position we're in. "Calm down Lukey, it's just a hug" His face goes an even deeper shade of red at the nickname I gave him. I roll my eyes and give him a kiss on the cheek before getting off him. If someone were to walk in the room right now they would see a human and a body with a tomato atop of it. Luke may be a robot but he has bits of emotions, which is why I love him, as a friend of course. Right? My daze comes to an end when I feel something cold brush against the back of my neck, I look behind me to find Luke placing my wavy bright red hair to the side. Then proceeding to place the necklace on me, his fingers fumble with the clasp for a minute then he finally attaches it.

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