Chapter 2

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"Skyler?" I turn my head to search the room until my eyes land on Luke, my robot. He's in my doorway and has a concerned expression on his face as he steps closer to my bedside hesitantly. He's wearing his usual attire, black skinny jeans and some band tees.

I don't even know of these bands, seeing as they are over 200 years old. But he always looks great in them so I don't complain. A couple of years ago Luke and I were at a music museum and he discovered all of these bands and asked them if he could keep the tracks. They let him and the music is the only thing that has been keeping him sane, while he's forced by the government to be my 'slave' as they say, but I treat him like family.

Just the sight of him makes my heart flutter. Stop it! He's a robot, I'm a human. Most importantly what would happen if my boyfriend found out? I'm brought out of my thoughts as Luke clears his throat, trying to get me to acknowledge his presence.
"Yeah?" I answer shakily as he shifts his weight to sit on the bed with me.

"Are you ok? You were crying in your sleep and I just got worri- "

"Sshh" I cut him off by placing my finger to his lip but accidentally touching  the smooth surface of his lip ring, goosebumps raising on my skin at the contact."I'm fine, it was just another nightmare." His expression softens at my words and then he smiles that big smile of his that makes me forget that he's a robot.

He's unlike the others, he actually has some hints of emotion in him, people say it's just a glitch but it has always seemed more than that to me.
"So..." My thoughts are cut off once again when he speaks again.
"Do you want me to make you some breakfast, a snack, get a drink or get you..." He rambles on, it's a habit of his, he would just ramble on and on until someone stopped his out loud thoughts.
"I'm fine, thanks anyways though!" I flash him a grin and hop out of bed to get changed.

As I'm about to walk into my bathroom I realise Luke was just standing there staring out the window on the far side of my room. He realises that I'm looking at him so he runs a hand through his tall blonde quiff nervously. "I was just uh..."

"Thinking?" I finish for him because he almost always does this.

"Uh, yeah.." He smiles and then slowly makes his way out of my room, he looks back to me like he's going to say something but decides against it. I brush it off and head to my bathroom for the second time.

As I stepped out of the shower after washing my hair and wrapping a towel around myself I remember that I hadn't set any clothes on my bed. Meaning I have to pass the living room, because I have a walk-in closet on the other side of my house.

I quickly run out of my room holding onto my towel for dear life. Luke then sees me rushing past him so of course he has to question and make it more embarrassing for the both of us. "What are you doing Skyle- oh, um..." He blushes a bright shade of burning red and then immediately averts his eyes from me looking down at the floor, fumbling with his fingers. "N. never m. mind." I let out a chuckle at his awkwardness but hurriedly make my way to the closet.

Once I reach the walk-in closet I let out a sigh of relief, now that I'm away from that awkward situation that just occurred. The whole closet is perfectly organised so I have no trouble finding what I need. I head over to the pants section and pick out a pair of black denim shorts. Then a long sleeved grey shirt catches my eye so I grab that and then pick out a pair of black converse shoes and get dressed.

I walk out to the living room, wearing actual clothes thank god, and Luke is now sitting on the couch watching TV. "Sorry, I was just quickly watching the TV while you were gone and I shouldn't of, sor-" His words come out all in a blur but I manage to interrupt him.

"Don't be silly, you know I don't care about that kind of stuff, I mean most other people do but I'm not most other people right?!" I say playfully, he gives me a half-hearted smile and then stands up to go to the kitchen. Deciding to take up on his offer before I ask him as he entered the kitchen, "Hey could you please make me some breakfast?"
As I take in a breath of air I am greeted by the scent of freshly cooked scrambled eggs and a BLT. Luke enters with two plates, one for me and one for him, this was a daily routine pretty much for us. We'd sit at the small wooden dining table I owned and talk while eating breakfast and drinking the orange juice I have stored in the fridge.

So as I do every morning I sit in a chair at the table and wait for Luke. As soon as he sits down I take a inhuman bite of the BLT, which causes him to laugh softly at the way I ate. My stomach flips when he laughs, I'm just hoping it's because I'm hungry. "Where's the orange juice?" I ask with an eyebrow raised as I realise there isn't one on the table. He just smirks and jogs to the kitchen in a hurry. I'm confused until he re-enters the living room, "2 chocolate milkshakes coming right up!" He chuckles at himself which brings a toothy grin to my face, he then places a milkshake in front of me.

"How'd you know this is my favourite?!" I half squeal, half ask because chocolate milkshakes have been my absolute favourite drink since I was a little kid. "I have my ways with knowing things." He replies playfully. As I put the straw to my mouth he stops me, "Wait!!" Then whipped cream is placed on top of it and my lips twitch upwards at the corners. He knows me well, really well, well at least I'd hope so considering he has been my robot for 5 years.

(A/N HII I'm back! Sorry if that chapter wasn't as interesting as you wanted it to be but throughout the story it'll get A LOT more interesting, trust me on that. Please vote/ comment/share I'd really appreciate it. Anyone who votes for my stories I follow straight away, and whoever follows me I follow back. Ok well that's all I have to say so BYE!

-Ally xx

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