Chapter 1:"as serious as a heart attack"

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(Real life)

I woke up to my alarm going off and smiled weakly as I had changed it the night before to my favourite song, in hopes to get me up in the morning. I sighed heavily before getting up and turning off my alarm. It was the first day of school. I was a sophomore this year. I went over to my bathroom and splashed my face with some cold water before opening my eyes to look at myself in the mirror. My phone buzzed again but it was from my photos app, a year ago today I looked so different so young I thought, I scrolled over to the next photo. It was me and my older sister . I winced and turned off my phone quickly before looking at myself in the mirror again. This year I am going to be older than my sister ever was, I didn't like the thought of that so I turned on some music on full blast and started getting ready.

I curled my hair and brushed it out so it was loose and wavy then I did my skincare. I looked at my skin and smiled, it was tan and had cute freckles and was clear . I still did my makeup lightly and then I got dressed.

Your outfit

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Your outfit

I went downstairs to get breakfast. I went over to the fridge and found a note stuck to it " gone away for awhile don't know when I'll be back , from mom" I ripped the note off and threw it in the bin. My dad left about two months after my sister passed. He said he couldn't stand to look at any of us as we reminded him to much of her, but my mom and dad never had a good marriage even before my sister. Ever since my dad left, my mom's been...well I don't really know how she's been. She's away in some foreign country every other day, she's hasn't stayed in the house for a whole week since last year. I don't really blame her I just miss her. The house is lonely but it has its pros like last year I threw the end of school summer party. It was awesome and my mom didn't even notice that the wall had a hole in it. She hasn't been in her right mind for awhile now. She doesn't even write I love you on notes because she's afraid that if she loves me she'll loose me. At least that's what I like to tell myself.

I grabbed a waffle and put it in the toaster and then made a coffee. My phone buzzed, it was my best friend Dior "be there in five xx". I met Dior two years ago. We immediately clicked but she became my best friend when everyone else left because it was too akward for them when my sister died. No one knows what to say to you when that happens but somehow Dior did. Apart from my mom she's the closest thing I have to family. My dad stopped being my family when he left us at a time we needed him most.

"Pop" my toast sprang up and I grabbed it and spread some butter on it, then I poured my coffee into a cup and ran out the door .I put on a big cheesy smile and waved to Dior. I hopped in and she started driving as I turned the radio on full. Dior parked the car and turned to me "are you excited to see Walker!" I looked at her and opened the door and then slammed it. "Please never use that name again I thought this was a safe place" Dior laughed "come on let's go inside". We got in and seen Leah (Leah's my second closest best friend and we're all in a friend group together) "LEAH" I screamed as I ran to hug her "I haven't seen you in forever" she said hugging me tightly. Just then the bell rang "ugh mrs Higgins first thing" I said slumping my shoulders. "It's ok let's all sit together and then it won't be so bad" Dior said smiling.

We made our way to class but when we went to sit down mrs Higgins announced that she would be making a seating plan this year. My jaw dropped, this day can't get any worse I thought. I was wrong. " ok and behind aryan and Leah is walker and y/n" my eyes widened "what no miss you can't be serious" i protested. "As serious as a heart attack, now sit down and stop complaining" I looked at her blankly but then Dior nudged me " you better go sit down or she'll fail you in the class" I sighed heavily knowing she was right . I sat down and moved my chair as far away as possible from walkers. Walker sat down and did the same before giving me a dirty look and physically turning his body in the opposite direction.


Author here, hope you're enjoying the story so far let me know if you have any suggestions or requests I'll be very open to hear them. Thanks for reading next chapter will be out asap

Chapter: 837 words

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