Chapter 11:A not so pleasent phone call

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My smile soon faded as I seen walkers smug face looking at me. Wait hold up something was different. Not right. Why was his face not smug? In-fact it was like the opposite to smug, it was almost sad. Why was he sad? And why was he looking at me?? I didn't get to think much more of it as the second bell went and ms. Higgins started lesson.

"All right so before I start I would like to tell you a bit more information about the school trip: so first of all-" she grabbed a marker and started writing on the board "- unfortunately you do have to pay a small fine for it" she stated as she wrote the price up on the board "well... not so small" she mumbled under her breath as she stepped away from the board revealing the numbers. My jaw dropped "570 euro" I read out very quietly under my breath. Some others in the class, who were a bit like me, tight for money, were also quite upset and started complaining until ms. Higgins spoke again "all right all right settle down, I know it's a lot of money but there has been a message sent out this morning to all parents and guardians informing them of the price and what you are getting in return...."

Ms Higgins carried on talking, calming the class down a bit but I zoned out my mind went into panic mode. "A message has been sent out to all parents and guardians" the line repeated in my head because that meant they sent it to my mom, who by the way has no clue about this trip that I'm taking and apparently is in desperate need of money.

"Fuck" I whispered thinking the word had stayed in my head Walker turned and looked at me "you ok over there" he asked waving a hand in front of me. There was no response, I was in my own world and it felt like nothing could bring me back to reality. Walker looked at me more concerned and put his hand on mine. Well I guess not nothing could bring me back. "What" I asked confused and distorted "I said are you ok, you were out of it" he repeated in a soft tone "oh ye I'm fine thanks" I told him repeating the line to myself a few times before saying it to him. He nodded and turned back but I could tell he was still keeping an eye on me.

I raised my hand but I hadn't really realised I did until ms. Higgins said "yes y/n" I looked up at her then my hand confused "em toilet" I cleared my throat "can I go to the bathroom please?" I asked desperately "yes I suppose" she grabbed the hall pass and held it out for me to go get it. Suddenly it felt like she was a million yards away.

I slowly made my way up to her stumbling over chairs and tables and finally tripping over a bag but someone caught me before I fell. I looked up and it was Walker. My brain was hurting so much I couldn't even think of what was happening. I could hear voices that sounded so far away but were almost right in my ear. "Are you ok y/n?"
"Y/n?" "what's happened to her?"

The voices got further and further away until I heard a door slam and looked down. Wait they're not my feet. Whose feet are those? I lifted my head slowly to see my own feet. Oh there they are. Wait, what are they doing levitating in the air? I then felt something on my waist. Almost like a hand, tightening grip? Where's my hands??
A glimpse of my eye caught my shoulder so I followed it to my hands. My eyes slowly and carefully followed my arm all the way up to my hands, that were wrapped around someone's head? My eyes then drifted to the head. "Walker?" A tiny voice let out Walker looked down at me relieved "y/n are you ok?" He asked still softly but I could tell he was panicked "w-what happened?" I questioned trying to lift my head but failing "you passed out y/n" he looked at me more worried, "you don't remember?" He looked concerned as I shook my head very gently side to side.

Just then my phone rang and even though I had just passed out, apparently, I still went to pick it up. "Hello?" I croaked into the phone as Walker sat me down on a chair sitting beside me. All I heard was a laugh, more like an evil laugh. I frowned in confusion. "Hello there" an unfamiliar voice spoke "hello, who is this?"
"No no, we're the ones asking the questions,now it seems like your mommy's got herself in a bit of a pickle and she's gonna use you to get her out of it" my hand trembled nearly dropping the phone "y/n who is it?" Walker asked his voice more stern, but I couldn't answer him, not that I didn't want to but all the liquid in my mouth had dried up. "Now she tells us you've got a bank account that you're gonna get us money from is that right?" He asked his voice so horribly I could smell him over the phone "y-yes that's right I have it in my bag" my voice trembling "good now your gonna send that money over tonight and it's gonna be here by Wednesday or else-" he held out the phone and I could just hear my mother scream "please y/n- " she was cut off by the man "so you understand or want me to make it more clear?" I heard him snigger at this comment "no-no I'll have it to you by Wednesday just please don't hurt her" I pleaded my voice shaking and tears running down my face I heard the line cut off.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this book so far love you all sm it really means a lot. Hope you like this chapter o think it's better than the last one so enjoy!
Leaving you on a bit of a cliff hanger😘

Chapter: 1012 word

Ok it's me again I'm really sorry I thought I was gonna get another chapter posted today but my test for today was actually put tomorrow instead so I have to study and tomorrow I have a match and another test the next day but FRIDAY I will hopefully be finally able to sit down and write another chapter I'm so so sorry for the really long wait mls but I really appreciate all the love thank you guys!!

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