Chapter 2:"bat shit crazy"

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(Real life)

The class bell finally rang and I practically sprinted out of the classroom. Dior and Leah came after me and giggled. "Fuck off" I said in an annoyed tone "it's not that bad" Leah said still smiling " not that bad!???" I rolled my eyes. "Anyways it's lunch time so we can forget about that and anything walker related" I said walking backwards as I talked to them. "That might be kinda hard" Dior said turning me around I looked out the window and seen Walker and one of the rugby players fighting and I mean full on fighting. The rugby player, his name was Michael and he was on the ground walker over him punching him repeatedly. "Come on let's go see what it's about" Leah said grabbing me and diors hand and dragging us outside. We gathered in the circle and I asked someone what the fight was about "no one knows Michael just said something to Walker and he flipped" aryan said overhearing me ask. I scoffed " of course he did". "TEACHER" someone screamed so we all ran off but not far so we could still see what was happening. The teacher pulled Walker away and brought them both to the office. Walker ended up getting only a 2 day suspension. Everyone was really confused because a fight is usually a minimum of 1 week. And Michael the one that got beat the shit out of got a 3 day suspension! Everyone flipped over that because Walker threw first hands and Michael barely even fought back ( that wasn't really voluntary though). For the next couple of days everyone tried to figure out what Michael had said that got him suspended 3 days and caused Walker to go all psycho on him.

The next class I decided I will ask Walker why he went all killer mode on Michael. I walked into the class and sat down except this time I didn't move my chair as far as possible and turn my body in the other direction and instead I just stared at the board. "What'd he say" I said abruptly, "sorry?" Walker said turning to me "what did Michael say I mean he had to of said something horrible for you to go bat shit crazy on him" I said immediately regretting asking him " ye he did say something and I don't know" walker said looking down at his hands. I noticed he was fidgeting like mad with his fingers when he was talking and I looked at him and could tell he didn't want me to ask anymore about it " Michaels a dick" I said looking down at my hands " Walker laughed a little "yeah I guess".


Author again, short chapter but important for the following ones and shows a tiny progression so hope you enjoyed it

Chapter: 450 words

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