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The moment was perfect. It was a beautiful day, any sign of danger was far enough to no longer be considered a problem, and a certain redhead had just finished 'reuniting' with the woman he loves. As of right now, the redhead in question was watching everyone have fun at the beach.

Minato Kasaki, seventeen years old. An average high school student with a slight temper, tends to be sarcastic when annoyed, and doesn't hesitate to put up a fight when the moment demands it. One day, he was just attending his high school, Fujimi Academy, but then he started to experience a catastrophe that would change everything. The dead began walking the earth and attacking people, turning them into walking corpses. The simple way to describe it would be a zombie apocalypse, and Minato was forced to survive by relying on his instincts. With other survivors that he was proud to call his friends, and three of them were lovers, Minato and his group went through a lot before finding themselves at this beautiful, isolated island.

Zombies overcame the school and killed hundreds of students and staff. they did end up escaping in the end, but they were forced to ditch their vehicle and approach their new objective on foot. After spending a few hours in a safe place, Minato and his friends found a small girl who needed help, crossed a river, reunited with a member of the group's family, and the estate they were staying at became a warzone. The group escaped the estate, but Minato stayed behind in order to keep a promise he made with the woman he loved, who was known as the school nurse, Shizuka Marikawa.

Minato found the person Shizuka wanted him to find, and he, as well as the two women he was travelling with, searched outside of Tokonosu City until they found a shopping mall. After defeating a corrupt teacher that Minato held a grudge against for many reasons, he and the women he was with made their way to the island, where the rest of his friends were located. Minato went through a lot before arriving at this island, he even killed his own parents. His mother had turned into one of the undead, and his father was the reason why.

Shizuka, Saeko, Takashi, Saya, Rei, Kota, Alice, Yuriko, and Rika. He survived this long thanks to the people he considered family. While watching them enjoy themselves at the beach, Minato decided to get changed into his regular clothes and search around this island, he just wanted to make absolutely sure that everyone was safe. Even on an island, the undead can come out of nowhere.

He wore black biker gloves, black sweatpants, a red t-shirt, a black jumper with the inside of the hoodie being red, and a necklace with a cross around his neck. His weapons consisted of a crossbow that was strapped to his back, a survival knife that was in a bottomless pocket he made, an MM9 pistol in his waistband, and a machete that he took from his father's shed before leaving his family home.

Minato: 'I never thought we'd make it out alive, but here we are. I'm pretty sure that these undead fuckers can't swim, but there's no harm in making sure. The last thing we want is to get attacked when we least expect it.' The island he and his friends were at consisted of a beach house, which was located on the beach. It was the only building on the island, but this island was mostly covered by a small forest. There could be anything in there, and Minato wanted to check it out. But unfortunately, once he was deep in the forest... Minato started to feel dizzy. "Huh? That's... weird."

Too dizzy to stand, Minato fell to his hands and knees. While trying to regain his composure, Minato saw that his surroundings were vibrating. At first, he thought he was experiencing an earthquake, but nothing around him looked like it was being affected. A massive earthquake usually makes structures shake and collapse, it could even make trees fall over. But this strange earthquake wasn't destroying the scenery around Minato. He didn't have a lot of time to think about it before he felt nothing beneath his feet, and then... he started to fall. Minato had no idea what was going on, but his falling only lasted a few seconds. Sadly, Minato ended up hitting something on his way down, and it wasn't soft in the slightest.

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