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Yoshi: "My name is Yoshi Izuki... and I'm here to help."

Maki: "Really?" Sadly, it didn't seem like Maki was believing anything Yoshi was saying. After being forced into the main shrine for about two hours, no one can really blame Maki for being this paranoid. She, Shuichi, and Himiko arrived in a city they didn't recognize, and then they were chased and nearly killed by complete strangers. "How do we know that you're not trying to trick us?"

Ibuki (Remnant): "Because I'm pretty sure they would've killed you by now." Ignoring the redhead in front of her for a split second, Maki could see Ibuki a short distance away, tied up with cords and wires. Her legs and wrists were restrained, and she was being watched by Nagito. "The cute one made quick work of my Monokuma bots, and he was able to stop Ibuki from getting to you."

Nagito (Remnant): "That's true. Ibuki would've killed you three if Yoshi and I didn't show up."

Himiko: "S-So... you're really here to help us?"

Yoshi: "Yes, I promise I mean you no harm." It took a few seconds for anyone to continue the conversation, but once they noticed Himiko was beginning to tear up, no words could be said as they watched Himiko run up to Yoshi and wrap her arms around his waist.

Himiko: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Having someone he didn't know embrace him made him tense up, and this image was making Nagito smile. Shuichi and Maki couldn't believe that Himiko would do something like this, but everything up to this point had to have been a lot for the Ultimate Magician to handle.

Yoshi: "I-It's okay, you don't need to handle this alone anymore." Yoshi slowly moved his hand and gently pat Himiko on her upper back. To Yoshi, seeing Himiko cry like this made him think about one of the girls he loves back home. That girl's name was Kimi Satou, and he believed that she and Himiko would've gotten along very well if they were to meet.

Shuichi: "I'm sorry to interrupt, but the three of us are completely in the dark about what's happening. Can one of you please explain?"

Nagito (Remnant): "I'll do my best to answer all your questions."

Shuichi: "Okay... thank you. First of all, please tell us where we are."

Nagito (Remnant): "You're in Towa City, but if you're wondering which country you're in, then you're in Japan."

Maki: "I doubt anyone in America, Australia, or anywhere else in the world would be named Yoshi, so being in Japan isn't that much of a surprise." The atmosphere wasn't as tense as it was a few moments ago, and that was enough for Maki to put away her survival knife. But she kept looking over at Ibuki from time to time, wanting to make sure that she doesn't try to escape.

Himiko: "Who are you?"

Nagito: "My name is Nagito Komaeda, and this is Yoshi Izuki. Like you three, Yoshi is also an unexpected visitor in our world, and I'm trying to help him get home."

Shuichi: 'Wait a minute... I recognize this guy. Nagito Komaeda was one of the participates in the second killing game. Not only that... but he was also a member of the Remnants of Despair.'

Nagito: "I hate to say this, but you three, like Yoshi, are here by accident. Your arrival wasn't anticipated at all, and the Remnants of Despair are now assigned to find you... and kill you."

Himiko: "K-Kill!?"

Maki: "Wait, you said 'in our world'. What do you mean by that?"

Nagito (Remnant): "I mean that this is the world that Ibuki and I call home. You three came from a different world, and the same goes for Yoshi. I was informed by the remnants that they found and cornered three survivors at this shrine, and I told Yoshi about it once I met him. I also told him that there are four other survivors in this city, and they were last seen in an abandoned subway."

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