chapter 8

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I chapter 8 I

Today is finally the day when I am going to see her after 12 years. I never thought this day would come, but now that it's here, I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. I'm hoping that our reunion will help put the past behind us and open the door to a brighter future.

This time the name of mine will change, and it will soon be "Eshani Abhimanyu Malhotra, the name which I love the most in this.

I never thought that you would be mine, which is why I take your name's starting words as my middle name, "Eshan. "

I can see her as soon as I walk in the front door of the house. She is just as stunning as I recall, and as I approach her, my worry fades. In that instant, the twelve years of distance seem to disappear, and I am thankful for these second chances at love.

Her eyes sparkle with surprise, and her smile is beautiful. I can't help but be drawn to her magnetic energy, and in that moment, I knew that she was the one who brought light into my life.

I remember the first time I saw her, her eyes, and how much I remember them as dark, intense, and beautiful.

She had a caramel complexion, which perfectly complemented her dark, intense eyes. Her beauty was undescribable, and it was as if her eyes held a world of stories waiting to be discovered. brown-black hair that was the same color as her eyes, and a height of at least 5'6 or 5'7. Her facial features are very divine, like apsara. She's in her 20s as well.

Her presence attracted attention as she grew in confidence and grace. She seemed to show mystery and charm in a way that made me want to be around her even more. Everywhere she went, her hidden elegance seemed to demand attention.

Her eyes held a hint of mischief that only added to the mysterious attraction of her warm and inviting smile. Every move she made attracted me, as if there was a secret about her that only I could know. She's clearly a complicated woman with multiple sides, each more interesting than the other.

As I saw Mr. and Mrs. Mukherjee, your soon-to-be mummy and papa, my inner voice said, But right now, should I say them mummy and papa, or should I wait for the moment when they will accept me as their son? I bent and touched both of Mrs. Mukherjee's toes. Suddenly, she avoided my hands and suddenly said in her rough voice, "You shouldn't touch my toes; you will soon be our son-in-law."

She accepts me as a son-in-law.

Don't be desperate, my inner voice told me.

I gave a short nod and spoke. "But you are also my parents. If my wife touches my parents feet, why wouldn't I touch yours too?" I said without thinking, What will be everyone's reaction? Is this just what my heart told me to say? Mrs. Mukherjee's expression softened as she listened to my words, a hint of a smile appearing on her face. In that moment, I felt a hint of hope that someday I would truly be accepted as part of their family.

Then Papa suddenly replied, "Then let's make a deal. Neither my daughter will touch my feet nor you will touch the feet of Rinna and Mihir."

Then suddenly, Mrs. Mukherjee's words echoed in the room, creating a tense atmosphere. "That's not right, Bhaiji."

After a minute of silence, Papa said, "Alright, Rinna Bhabhi. Let us maintain an equal ground that respects our traditions while also welcoming change." "And also, it makes me feel old, Rinna Bhabhi."

At his core, Papa has always desired to be youthful. It was charming and funny how he tried to maintain a balance between tradition and modernity.

I was just silently looking at Eshana; she must be confused about what's going on in the room. Why are parents talking like they know each other from childhood?

"Why are you both standing here?" "Go spend time with each other," Mummy suggested.

Mr. Mukherjee gave me a questionable look. I know why he is giving me questionable looks. He must have trust issues with me. I run from home; he must think I don't run again from home. I must talk to him about my past to assure him that I have changed. It's important for him to understand my journey and see how far I have come. I just gave him a shot at a nod.

I was thinking when I heard Mrs. Mukherjee's soft voice, "Your breakfast I put outside in the garden. Go and talk there."

We just give a short nod to Mumma, or Mummy.

Shadow of InnocenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora