Chapter Six: Jealous Much?

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I follow Renee out of the back rooms.

I finally take in her outfit. Black pants and a black corset that hugs her boobs that I love to stare at.

When we get back into the main area I take a look around to see if I can spot Alex. The crowds of bodies would make it difficult but her six foot height makes it easy as I see her in the middle of the dance floor with some random dude. She always knows how to find fun.

I smile at her as she screams the lyrics to the pop song that is paying from the DJs speakers. My smile quickly falls down when I spot a tall brown haired masc walking straight towards Renee and I.

"Shit." She mutters.

"Nae. I have been looking everywhere for you after I got here." They walk up to Renee and softly grip her arm.

"Sorry Alissa I got stuck catching up with Y/N." She turns towards me. "Alissa meet my friend Y/N."

I hold out my hand and they shake it as they look at my figure up and down. I can't tell if they are sizing me up or they know me. They wrap an arm around Renee's waist and pull her towards them. First option definitely. I fell a pang of jealously hit my stomach.

Alissa points at me with their free hand. "Do I know you?"

I clear my throat and straighten my back. "I play basketball at USC." I try not to brag but it comes out like it.

"Ahh." They nod. "That's where I know you. My friend and I sometimes go to watch the games. Don't you have one tomorrow?"

Yes and I do not know why I am still fucking here.

"Yeah. Arizona State at home. The last game of the regular season." I answer.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. Alex stands shrugging her jacket on. "You ready?"

"Definitely." I sigh. I can't watch this any longer. The jealous bitch in me is gonna break.

I look back towards Renee trying to ignore the fact she never told me she was seeing anyone while we were kissing.

"You should come tomorrow." I try to stay calm. "You have never seen me play and we still need to talk some more."

She looks at me guilty, but answers, "Who says I have never seen you play?"

I feel a smile come on my face again.

"You know your games are on TV right?" She continues.

She has seen my games? Intentionally?

I have no more time to ponder as Alex pulls my sleeve. "It's getting late as fuck and we have to be up at the ass crack of dawn."

When I look back to Renee she is giving Alex a death stare.

"Here give me your phone."

Renee shrugs Alissa off her and pulls out her phone to hand to me.

I input my number in hers and text myself so I have her number. I saved my name under as Life Saver. I hand her phone back and catch her eyes briefly.

"Glad we had the chance to catch up." I say and lick my lips trying to signal the memory of our kiss. I turn to the figure next to her. "It was nice meeting you Alissa." They give me a stern look and a nod.

I get finally get dragged out by Alex, but right we are about to get to the exit door I look back. Renee is still staring at me and I just wave before we are out the door.

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