Chapther Nine: Everyone Leaves

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I can't believe this girl is next to me after all these years.

Reneé wanted to celebrate my win so we met up with Alex at this bar by our house.

"What was broadway like?" Alex asks Reneé.

Reneé tightens her grip on my leg.

"At first it was amazing to get the opportunity but that world is very particular to women. You have to look and act a certain way."

"Oh I didn't know sorry." Alex apologizes.

"It's okay. Those years were a learning experience and even though I was in such a bad place, I got to meet a certain someone." She turns toward me and sips her drink.

I smirk.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alex asks.

I look towards Reneé silently asking if it was okay that Alex knew. I never told her because I didn't want to air Reneé's shit out. I told Alex I got sick that night and went home.

Reneé nods and I lean forward to put my elbows on the table. She shifts her hand from my leg to slide it to my back as she brushes my rib through the fabric of my hoodie. She slowly scratches my back and I think I am in heaven.

Finding it hard to focus I try to explain how Reneé and I met to Alex. I leave out the fact I sold drugs to JC that night.

When I look back at Reneé. My gut twists. She would have never had been in that situation if J didn't sell to JC.

I should have known.

She looks at me confused and I put a slight smile on my face to redirect her and she just leans forward to kiss my shoulder.

"I'm going to the restroom." She says and gets out of the booth.

"Let me go with you." I say trying to get out.

"I'll be fine. I just gotta pee." She brushes me off and takes off towards the bathroom.

I shake my head and turn back towards Alex who has a big ass smile on her face.


"Y'all look cozy."

I roll my eyes and sip my beer again. "We are friends."

She nods. "Mhmm and friends touch grip each others thighs and rub their back and kiss their shoulder.."

"Okay okay I get it." I try to cut her off.

I want to be with her but I don't know if I could ever tell her what I did to her.

She would run and never look back.

"Look Y/n. I have never seen you like this with anyone. You lock your heart out to everyone." She says.

"I just want to find something real you know." I say and take another sit of my beer.

"Well she's definitely real." She raises her eyebrows.

"You're an idiot." I roll my eyes. "I feel things for her that I haven't felt for anyone in my life. I'm taking that into consideration but she'll leave. Like everyone in my life does." I look down to my lap.

Alex scoffs. "Look at me." I glance at her hurt eyes. "I have know you for years. Have I left?"

She shakes her head at my silence and grabs her drink to chug it.

"Look at that. I need a refill. I'll be at the bar." She slides out of the booth.

"Alex." I call to her as she walks away.

"Dang. Do you always have women walking away from you?" I hear Reneé ask from behind me.

"Just the ones that are my friend apparently." I turn to her and smirk.

"Back to the friends thing again?" She smiles.

"If I adorned the title then I shall keep it forever." I place my hand on my heart and slightly bow to her.

"Stand up you dumbass." She laughs and then steps up to me. "I am going to dance," she pauses, "friend."

She says this with a challenge in her eyes and I sit back watching her ass walk to the dance floor.


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