Chapter Seven: Game Day

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My alarm blares in my ear and startles me awake.

Fuck apple and their loud ass sounds.

Once I'm finally awake, I shower quickly.

As I am brushing my teeth. I faintly hear Alex's alarm from the hallway. How the fuck does that shit not wake her ass up?

I spit in the sink and walk over to her room. She is sprawled out with her mouth wide open snoring while her alarm goes off still.

I sigh and go into her connecting bathroom and find a cup to fill with water. Once back in the room and slowly tip the cup on her head.


I throw the empty cup at her. "Get your ass up."

She wipes her face with her sheets. "I'm sorry. Not all of us are excited about a certain actress coming to the game."

"Shut up before I go get more water." I turn and go to the kitchen to start breakfast.

I drive up to the stadium around six a.m.

I always like to get to the gym really early because I am able to get in the correct mindset for gameday.

My number one fear as an athlete is to get hurt. So I come to the gym early to warm up, stretch, and consolidate myself.

Walking up to the entrance I check my phone.

I have two unread messages from last night. Both from the same unknown number.


Last night was a train wreck. Seeing her after all these years, talking to her, kissing her, and then finding out she is in a relationship.

I am not a fan of being the reason why two people breakup but damn I want Renee. I want her all to myself. It hurts to admit but she makes me feel a certain way about her. I have never felt that for anyone.

Believe me I have tried to be in relationships with people but it always ends after a month. I can't force myself to have feelings for someone so I just sleep around hoping to find a connection with someone.

Renee was the first girl to make me feel that way and I know jack shit about her.

I read the two messages.

bad bitch alert🚨

the invite was very generous but how am I supposed to get in with no tickets? oh and i am changing your contact name asap

Shit. I forgot I invited her last night. Instead of going straight to the gym I head to the offices.

I send her a couple of messages back.

my bad. I went straight to bed last night. don't worry about it bby. I got you covered 😉

when you get to the stadium park in the players lot. i'll make sure they know who you are and how to get in. now where is my good luck kiss?

I click send and knock on one of the GM's assistants door.

"Hey can you do me a quick favor?" I ask and shine my smile.


Let's just say I know how to persuade people into doing what I want.

After my morning stretch and jog, I put my practice shoes on that so happen to be a pair of grinches.

They are also another example of getting what I want as I definitely robbed the sneaker shop I bought them from.

When I get out on the main court I take a few shots.

The sound of J. Cole's song Deja Vu plays on my beats as I warm up.

I finally recognized the feelings that's inside for you.

I fucking love this song even though it is kinda describing what the hell I am going through right now.

Spotify shuffle always does me dirty.

The stadium is filled with spectators arriving and I am constantly peaking up at the box I reserved for her.

I really should not let her affect me like this right before my game, but I can't get her out of my head.

With one more glance at the empty box, I sigh and walk back into the locker room to get ready for the game.

After throwing on my jersey, game shoes, and my warm up shirt I head back out. Instead of getting stressed about whether she came or not I try to lock it in and focus on the game.

sorry for the no updates while I was on vacay...
thank you for the support and reads!!
don't forget to vote🫶
don't forget if the shoe fits...

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