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Chapter 4

Juape was happy, but her sisters were not. She stopped jubilating and became serious when realizing the seriousness of everyone who looked at her without understanding why she was happy.

The girl was very innocent and lively. Juape liked to be happy about everything, even when the wind ruffled her hair she laughed, or when she noticed a leaf floating without falling to the ground, she watched fascinated and started jumping and imitating the sounds and images that were different and brought her joy in the world. Simple act of envisioning nature.

"WHAT IS IT, YOU FOOL? STOP JUMPING! WE ARE ABANDONED!" Ravie sensed the immediate danger.

"I do not believe!" A short girl, turquoise eyes, violet skin, burgundy hair she declared.

This was Mateta, the hopeful. "God wasn't going to leave us alone.

"God is good, but he is just!" Misana added.

"I think your angels lost the war!" A chubby girl, olive skin, gray eyes and brown hair, he deduced almost crying.

This was Venua, the negative.

"Cannot!" Lemua said dubiously. "God's angels are mighty. God is powerful.

"But the Fallen Angels are many and they multiplied among men with unbridled sex. " Onamae told.

"What do you mean, Onamae?" Lemua asked, intrigued by the news of the younger sister knowing more than the others do, even more than Misana.

"Who told you that?" Misana asked sharply.

"True? How do you know that?" Danou questioned too.

Onamae felt pressured; there were so many looks at her, which she felt like a sinner.

Adam's youngest daughter did not want to tell the truth, she knew of the impending judgment, she could not say that she had escaped several times from the garden and seen the outside world, walked in the midst of strange men and touched heathen objects and disgusting foods.

This would be considered a sin, a heresy by the saints of the Garden of Eden, but Onamae realized that she could not hide the facts, or rather her escapades, the moment needed wisdom and truth to solve the problem.

"What are you referring to, Onamae?" Misana questioned the look that mimicked a piercing into her soul..

"It's just... I... I... It's... Yeah... I..." Onamae stammered and did not answer.

"Onamae, answer now." Misana demanded.

Finally, Onamae plucked up courage, after looking into the eyes of each sister present there.

"I left Eden a few times. " Onamae confessed releasing her fear, and creating more confidence, thus telling the truth without fear. She was strolling through the garden on the northwest side, where the rivers flowed into Mesopotamia. In addition, there was another gate to the outside world.

"What?" They all said in amazement.

"I went looking for our parents." Onamae added.

"When was this?" Venua asked, startled.

"Sixty years after Dad and Mom were kicked out of Heaven. I got up the courage to go out into the garden." Onamae revealed exactly.

"You know you can't leave." Misana said authoritatively. "You have sinned."

"God didn't forbid us to leave; God forbade them to come back. Onamae reminded her.

"Yes, but..." Misana was about to say something, but the youngest cut her off.

"And that is why, Misana, I have not disobeyed the order of the great Creator of our lives." Onamae said interrupting her older sister.

"But that's implied, not to mingle with outside sinners." Misana said angrily.

"Afamael, I always teach myself many things, and I know very well what is right and what is wrong, normally not distinguishing between them and making a mistake becomes a sin." Onamae said.

"Oh yeah, we're ignorant because we don't know anything but the garden, is that it?" Misana deduced irritated with Onamae.

"I didn't say that, sister."

"I know what you mean; you asked too many questions, I don't know why our protectors had so much patience with you". Misana said upset.

"Because knowledge is not a sin". - Onamae let out.

"How not?" Misana asked in a daze.

"It is not, sister. Because the knowledge of God is beautiful. It is wisdom! It is purity! It's power!"

"AAAAAh! " They were all astonished that after the fall of their parents, the daughters of Adam never again dared to ask anything of God and his angels.

"What was forbidden was to eat of the fruit of the Knowledge of good and evil, the latter having greater enchantment for man, since he declined more to learn to do evil, to know it to use in a selfish, evil and evil way. dominate, enslave, or kill others." Onamae explained.

"Hmm! I did not know that." Misana said embarrassed.

"The lack of knowledge is due to fear, because they became so afraid of God that they just smiled when He came to see us. In addition, he just reported how the plants and animals were doing here; now I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why I existed, what was the purpose of my life." Onamae continued explaining.

"Did he tell you?" Were?" A girl with blue skin, pink eyes and curly brown hair asked interested.

This was Gimina, the impatient one.

"Yes Sister!" Onamae replied with a wide smile.

"And what is our purpose?" Misana asked sharply.

"The purpose is to serve GOD." Onamae replied confidently.

"This." Gimina said sadly, as they already did this. "I thought it was something bigger."

"This is big." Onamae said.

"No, we already do this every day." Gimina said thoughtfully.

"We are privileged, Gimina." Onamae pointed out.

"What else? What does He want from us?" Lemua asked, intrigued just like Gimina.

"He wants us to love him for who he is, not for what he can do or give us. He wants us to love one another as ourselves." Onamae replied beautifully.

"Uh!"- They all said thoughtfully.

"Unfortunately our parents have already died for not practicing this, our brothers too, and their sons and daughters too." Onamae talk wailing.

ONAMAE, Adam's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now