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Chapter 9

Onamae left Eden in search of the sin that caused all that worldwide devastation, but she wasn't alone, Juape also wanted to go, and followed her sister from afar, as she had already left once and wanted to see what the world was like out there again.

The two walked a long way past many sand dunes, without seeing a living soul, neither animal nor plant. Juape got tired, and could no longer reach steps of Onamae, thirsty and hungry; she fell on the sand without strength and begged:


Onamae heard the scream, turned back and saw Sister Juape passed out.

"Didn't you bring your water and fruit?" Onamae asked.

"Yes, but it's over." Juape answered breathlessly.

"You'll get hungry and thirsty quickly." Onamae said sternly. "I shouldn't have come."


"I didn't ask you to come with me, Juape." Onamae said angrily.

"Do not fight with me." Juape asked crying.

"Okay, I'm sorry. What do you want, sister?" Onamae said, going back to Juape and bent down to pick up her sister lying on the floor.

"If you have food, please give it to me." Juape asked whimpering.

"I didn't bring anything, look." Onamae said showing him his hands.

"Really, how are you holding up with so much thirst and hunger?" Juape asked intrigued.

"You forgot I learned some prayers of comfort from Afamael, my beautiful guardian angel."

"Oh it was, so teach me, Onamae." Juape asked still lying on the floor.

"Not!" Onamae said sternly.

"Why, sister?"

"You had the same chance as I did to learn from Afael or Afamael and you didn't take it." Onamae pointed hard.

"I knew they could teach things like that." Juape said sadly, for having asked for the opportunity.

"Because all our sisters are dimwits, they just learned to garden, but they didn't want to learn how to care for themselves in the outside world."

"I know, Onamae, we never thought you'd need it." Juape said thoughtfully.

"But you, my dear sister, you went out, got to know a little more, huh?" Onamae noticed giving a slight malicious smile, as he imagined that Juape sought sin and perhaps fell into the temptation of the sexual sin of fornication and lust as she was very lively and liked to touch her sisters a lot. Already she had been steadfast and strong and had never wanted any male to mate and sin like her brothers.

"Yes, but I was afraid." My walk was horrible, I saw disgusting things, because that period that Noah lived, was devastating with the Giants eating men and sin dominating. As soon as I saw so much misery, violence, cannibalism, magic and deaths, I ran in fear of them. I felt that they wanted to eat and kill me.

"Yes, but do you think that this current time should not be similar or worse than the old one?" Onamae questioned.

"Sincerely, I do not know."

"I think it's worse." Onamae suggested.

"Then teach me something, something to bring food." Juape asked pleadingly.

"He is well! I do not want you to die in front of me of hunger and thirst.

"Thank you, Sister Onamae.

ONAMAE, Adam's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now