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Chapter 11

After the conversation of the first and only time that Juape ran away from the Garden of Eden to spy on the external world, Onamae was thoughtful, his belly rumbled, he was hungry, he took an apple that he created from nothing and ate it, and then he drank water that also appeared from nothing.

Onamae sat down on a rock, and then got up as it was very hot and they both stood still. The youngest wanted to pee and did it in front of Juape, while she was doing her needs, Adam's daughter had a genius idea to get out of that endless, burning desert. Because if she could manifest anything in front of her, why not do what caused the sin to appear in front of her, but she was afraid of making her situation worse and making something big and dangerous appear on top of her and crush her.

"We're wasting time walking." - Onamae said decidedly.

"Go fly?" Juape asked jokingly.

"No, but I can bring something with me. Remember it?"

"Wait, Onamae." Do you want to bring the sin of the world here?" Juape asked, frightened by the absurd idea.

"Calm down, Juape. This is not it. I will depart for the birthplace of sin." Onamae said smiling.

"Uh? It seems dangerous to me too." Juape said fearfully.

"Yea. It is too dangerous!" Onamae agreed. "My mission and yours now, it is extremely dangerous and difficult to accomplish, practically impossible. We need to be cautious and fervent!"

"Gee, can I go back to the Garden of Eden?" Juape asked, feeling a deep fear of dying.

"Concentrate, get ready to pray more! What did we come here to do?

Juape was silent.

"I didn't come to waste time in this sand-filled place, burning myself for nothing, I have a mission. I will not give up; I will continue until I reach my purpose." Onamae said firmly without fear.

"That is you! However, I... I am creating a lot of fear; you know... I am not like you. I am terrified of what we will see. Because here without anyone I'm already afraid, imagine with violent beings and dominated by extreme evil." Juape said trembling with fear, because his confidence was negligible, even being in a place so hot that you could crack an egg

"Juape, we are exposing ourselves to an unknown danger. It is true! We are in the middle of nowhere. It's not time to give up. Be strong and courageous!" Onamae encouraged.

"Eh, well...I can't imagine what we're up against. I'm very scared, my sister!"

"Juape, do your invisible trick." Asked Onamae.


"I too will become invisible, just hold my hand, and I will ask the Creator of the Universe to take our bodies to where the origin of chaos is and thus we will correct the sin of men."

"What? Why?" Juape asked terrified.

"We must correct this evil, and I will ask now, we are fooling ourselves by walking aimlessly for so long." Onamae said not wanting to waste any more time trying to convince her sister.

"What? No, sister. Let me take a deep breath." Juape asked.

"We must correct this catastrophe." Onamae said determined to solve the problem right then and there, as if she could do it in a snap of her fingers.

"Is there any way?" Juape hesitated.

"Yea. Pray, have faith!"

"And can only the two of us do something this great?" Juape insisted on doubting, moving away from her brave sister.

"Yes, have faith. "Onamae asked again.

"I think you're making yourself the highest Angel of God.

"I've learned how to solve problems, not run away, and it is time to find him and put an end to him."

"Wow! So much confidence, Onamae." Juape realized, admiring her younger sister, who seemed to be wiser and braver than all her sisters together.

"I have absolute faith in God. Do you want more power? Onamae asked.

"It is right! If you believe, I believe." Juape said hopefully.

"Now let's get out of this desert, but with caution. I do not want to become man food as soon as we jump into another inhospitable environment."

"Color without color, brilliance without brilliance, light passing through, and vision backwards." Juape said the words of becoming invisible.

Onamae repeated and turned invisible. They were holding hands so as not to get lost in case they were in the middle of a large crowd.

"Holy God of the Universe, I fully believe in you, now and forever, lead us where the trouble of the world is with the power of the twinkling stars." Onamae prayed in faith, and it happened immediately.

A huge wave of yellow light circled the two women. It is forming a cloud of gold, making their skin and clothes mirror the desert, and they felt a cold draft of wind, followed by small intermittent shocks throughout their bodies, dismantling their cells and atoms dragging their bodies physical body to the astral world and then bringing it to the physical world on the other side of the world.

That was incredible, because when they claimed the divine power of the stars that led their body and mind so quickly to a stable place where they could materialize easily without losing their physical structure. Everything would change in those women's lives, because they would never be the same again and they would never be able to return to their paradisiacal garden.

Therefore, it happened, the sisters jumped through space and time exactly to the central place where evil reigned.

ONAMAE, Adam's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now