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Karina tapped her foot and chewed on the inside on her cheek as she waited, the metal chair cold beneath her legs. Her linen shorts and cotton t-shirt did little to guard her from the freezing air of the interrogation room. She sat with her arms and legs crossed, trying to preserve warmth. The tick-tick-tick of the clock grated on her nerves and each time she looked over it seemed no time passed at all. 

She couldn’t be sure how long they kept her waiting, but just as she began to wonder if they planned to leave her all night, the door swung open. A tall, dark haired woman in a well tailored suit entered, flashing an FBI badge in her direction,

“Special Agent Joanna Waterson. Can you state your name for the record, please?”

“Karina Kerner.” She smiled sheepishly, her breath a puff of white smoke in the chilled room.

“Well, Miss Kerner,” Agent Waterson pulled out the chair opposite her and she winced as the metal screeched across the concrete floor, “I have a few questions I’m hoping you can answer.”

“Karina’s fine.” She said, watching as the agent thunked a heavy manilla folder down on the table and flipped it open, setting out polaroids one at a time. A cabin wall covered in gibberish carvings. A bloody knife. Jasper’s body.

Karina drew in a shaky breath and swallowed hard. 

“We’re just trying to make sense of what happened here, Karina. This report…” Agent Waterson sighed and shook her head, “Well… bit of a doozy. Kidnapping. Breaking and entering. Arson. Several homicides… You said in your message you know who’s behind it all. Help me put the pieces together.”

“What can I say?” Karina shrugged, laughing sarcastically, “It’s been a…wild few weeks.”

“What happened?” Waterson asked, brow knit together, “Start from the beginning, please.”

She sighed and wet her lips. The events of the last month still heavy in her mind. How had everything gone wrong in so little time?

“My childhood best friend was getting married…”

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