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Karina wandered down Main Street, marveling at all the little shops, cafes, and restaurants. She stopped at one of the cafes for a triple espresso; having stayed up far too late working on her article. Port Helion certainly looked idyllic from the outside. But the more time she spent there, the longer the shadows grew. 

She had, at least, woken up that morning to a package at the front desk. Her dad filled her mom and sister in on EJ’s disappearance and Karina’s plans to stay, so the three of them put together a box of necessities - clothes and toiletries included - and had it shipped overnight to the B&B. Her mom sent strawberry rugelach and her dad his lucky pair of aviators and her sister Serena put notes in every jacket pocket. She cried a little, eating cookies and reading Serena’s notes, feeling endlessly grateful for her family and wishing they were near. 

She rounded a corner, following a map that pointed her towards the library. She hoped to find articles on the Seresin’s and the founding of the town. Sure, Jake or Reuben could answer her questions, but not without bias.

Just as the signal changed and she stepped out into the street to cross, a cherry red Ferrari zipped around the corner and screeched to a halt, blocking her path. She couldn't see the driver through the heavily tinted windows, but she wasn't surprised to see Jonas Seresin when he threw open the passenger door and barked for her to get in. 

“You're delusional if you think I'm going anywhere with you.”

“And you have no idea who you're dealing with. In. Now. You don't want to piss off my family.”

“How is drinking espresso and shopping pissing people off?”

“Don’t argue with me! You know what this is about.”

Karina sighed. “I just want to know what happened to my friend.”

“I don’t give a shit. Now get in! Or there’ll be consequences.”

“Fine.” She sighed and slid into the passenger seat. She barely had the door shut and her seatbelt on when he threw the car into drive and tore down the street, ignoring stop signs and red lights and speed limits.

“Is this fun for you?” He accused, sneering, “Causing more drama for my family?”

“A woman is missing. I fail to see how I’m creating drama by caring about what happens to her.”

Jonas snorted, taking a sharp left turn.

“She realized she couldn’t cut it in society and bolted the second it all became too real. Case closed.”

“I don’t believe that. Have you talked to Jake? We found -”

“I don’t care about your conspiracy theories. If I wanted your opinion, I’d ask for it. News flash, Reporter Barbie, I don’t.”

“Will you at least tell me where we’re going?” 

And learn to drive? She thought.

“Father wants to speak with you.”

Karina fell silent. She crossed her arms, half steaming mad and half wondering what John Seresin wanted. And why he would send Jonas of all people as his errand boy.


Seresin Manor was just as large and imposing as before. Though somehow now it had an eerie sadness to it. Karina didn’t believe in ghosts, but ‘haunted’ was the best word she could come up with to describe the strange aura the mansion held. 

The car came to an abrupt halt at the top of the drive. Jonas cut the engine and hopped out, motioning for Karina to follow. Despite her gut telling her to run, she got out and followed; trying not to gag at the awful smell of gasoline and burnt rubber. 

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