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With Coyote looking into the phone’s ownership, Karina, Reuben, and Bob rejoined everyone else in the parlor. It was almost eerily quiet save for a few whispers here and there, guests nervously sipping drinks and eating hor d'oeuvres. The Seresins had circled up in a corner likely discussing what to tell the cops when they arrived. 

Karina tapped out a few notes on her phone about what they did - and didn’t - find. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and tapped her foot in nervous anticipation. If EJ really had just gone for a walk she should have been back by now. With the time nearing nine pm, the sun had set nearly two hours prior. Even with the twinkling fairy lights set up outside for the reception, the Seresin estate had an odd foreboding sense about it. Especially in the darkness beyond the treeline. 

Red and blue lights flashed in the windows signaling the arrival of the police. 

“Ah, good.” John said, clapping his hands for everyone's attention, “The sheriff has arrived and I’m sure this will all be over soon.”

“We need to know if anything is missing. Jacob, be a dear and show the sheriff in.” Deborah patted Jake’s arm and shooed him towards the door.

“Mother, I highly doubt Eleanor is capable of stealing.” Jasper sighed, pinching his brow. 

“C’mon, dude.” Jonas rolled his eyes, “Anyone from her background knows their way around a pawnshop.”

Bob clenched his fists, blue eyes flashing. Before Karina could even think to stop him, he had Jonas by the collar.

“One more word about my sister and you’ll regret it.”

“You wanna go?” Jonas spit in his face, “With the cops right outside the door? Add an assault charge to your family’s problems?”

Steaming, Bob let him go and wiped his hands on his trousers. Angry as he was with Jonas’ treatment of EJ, a fist fight wasn’t worth it. Although Jonas didn’t seem to share the sentiment. One second he turned away and the next he sucker punched Bob square in the jaw, knocking his glasses to the floor.

“Bob!” Karina scooped up his glasses before they could be stepped on and knelt by his side. “Oh my god, are you okay?” 

“Can we get some ice over here, please?” She heard Reuben ask a staff member.

“Jonas, outside.” John snapped, “Now!”

Someone brought over a bag of ice cubes wrapped in a cloth and Karina gently held it to Bob’s cheek. He hissed at the cold, but relaxed into her touch as the ice numbed his cheek. He reached up and took the ice from her, callused fingers brushing over hers. Sparks shot down her arm as she pulled her hand away.

“Think I’ll be alright.” He mumbled, “Had worse.”

“I know Jonas is an asshole and you’re worried about EJ, I am too, but you can’t go around threatening people.”

“Karina -” 

Before he could finish his thought, Jake returned with the police in tow. He noticed Bob still seated on the floor and Karina holding ice for him and came over.

“I missed all the action, huh, Floyd?” He crouched in front of Bob and moved the ice away so he could take a look, tipping Bob’s head this way and that, “Don’t think anything’s broken. You’ll have a nasty bruise for a few days. Take some ibuprofen if it bothers you.”

“Thanks doc.” Bob said, making Jake roll his eyes. 

“Jonas is an idiot and a drunk. Try to ignore him, alright?”

“Easier said than done.”

“Oh believe me, I know.”

“Alright, folks, if I could have your attention,” A tall, well-built man in a sheriff’s uniform wearing sunglasses despite the late hour with a toothpick balanced between his teeth announced, “We’ll handle everything from here. I’m Chief Beau Simpson. Deputies Natasha Trace and Alfie Jones will secure the scene.”

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