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The taxi came to a stop outside an imposing family estate just outside the village of Helion. Rolling hills stretch beyond the lime-washed brick of the main house, carefully trimmed topiaries lining the driveway on either side blocking most of the view. Karina opened the door and slid out, a chilly New England breeze sending a shiver down her spine. She thought late summer would still be warm and hoped she remembered to pack a sweater. 

“Woah…” She whispered, taking in the house and the grounds. It seemed EJ had a charmed life ahead of her. 

The ornately carved front doors swung open and a handsome stranger stepped out, rushing down the steps to greet her with a wide smile.

“Welcome to Seresin Manor! You must be here for the rehearsal dinner.” Up close he was tall and lean, a thin mustache over his top lip and black hair kept short. His burnt-orange polo cast a warm glow over his dark skin, even under the overcast sky.

“Hey, yeah. I’m EJ’s friend, Karina. Uhm, Eleanor's friend, I mean.” It felt strange to call EJ by her given name. Ever since they were kids she’d always been EJ. Pigtail braids and basketball shorts and skinned knees from falling off her skateboard and all.

“Relax.” He chuckled warmly, “She’s EJ to me, too. I’m Reuben. Come on, I’ll give you a tour and show you where the party’s at.”

“Thank you.” She returned his smile and tucked her clutch under her arm. A house, if you could call it that, this huge she would probably get lost on the way to the bathroom.

“Hey, no problem.” 

Karina paid the driver and thanked him for the ride. She watched for a moment as he drove away before turning to follow Reuben up the path to the house. Sweet smelling flowers lined the walkway, but there was a sour stench on the breeze she couldn’t place. The steps creaked beneath her feet as if telling her she wasn’t welcome. 

She couldn’t decide if the black and white marble foyer was elegant or overstated and tacky. The golden ‘S’ in the marble floor just inside the door screamed pretentious. She liked art deco, but the sharp geometric lines and shapes felt almost threatening in the lowlight of the front hall. 

“So how do you know EJ?” Reuben asked. 

“We grew up together. Our dad’s served in the navy together and we even roomed together in college. We kind of drifted apart after graduation. Life happened, I guess. I was kind of surprised to get an invite.”

“Ahh, okay, I see.” He nodded, smiling still, “She’s told me a little about her college days. Always sounded like you two were up to no good.”

Karina laughed lightly, shaking her head, “I guess you could say that. Are you a friend of the groom?”

“Something like that... I’m closer with his brother, Jake.” He explained, “Our families go way back. Supposedly the Fitch’s and the Seresin’s are rivals, but us kids have always gotten along pretty well.”

“Do you live in a mansion too, then?”

“Define ‘mansion’.”

“If you need a definition then you definitely do.”

“Alright, fair enough.” He had a pleasant laugh and an easy smile. On the plane from Los Angeles to Portland she worried the weekend would be full of false smiles and forced pleasantries. But Reuben seemed genuine enough. 

As he led her down the hall they passed an ornate, curved marble staircase and an open door leading to a room full of expensive art. Alright. So the Seresin’s were ‘personal gallery’ rich. Delightful. She paused for a moment to look at a family portrait hanging in the hall. 

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