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Karina shivered in the brisk afternoon air. She wasn't any closer to finding EJ. Only vaguely threatened by the Seresins and out of accommodation for the remainder of her stay. However long that would be.

She sent the image of the coded paper to Coyote. If anyone could figure it out, it was him or Jake. But she wasn't sure how much Jake knew and didn't trust him to be completely honest yet. Coyote responded within a few minutes, letting her know the phone belonged to Jonas Seresin, but he hadn't pulled much from it yet.

She was about to call an uber when Reuben called.

"Hi Reuben."

"Hey, Karina. Wanted to check in. How are you holding up?"

Karina sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"That bad, huh?"

"Saying I've had one hell of a day would be the understatement of the century... I'm positive something - or someone - happened to EJ. But Chief Simpson and Seresins won't take me seriously."

"I've been asking around but no one seems to know anything. That or they just don't want to get on the Seresin's bad side."

"Thanks for trying."

"Of course. She's my friend, too." Reuben said, the worry evident in his voice, "But hey, I'm down at the marina. Want to grab a bite with me? Check out the ships?"

She thought about it for a moment. It would be nice to see more of Port Helion. And if they were down by the docks she could check on Uncle Howard and make sure he was alright.

"Alright. Count me in." She said, "I need to swing by the BnB first. Meet you down there in an hour?"

"See you then."

The line clicked and Karina ordered a cab to take her back to the bed and breakfast. She needed to figure out the rest of her stay in Port Helion.

Obviously it hinged on finding EJ.

But the investigator in her longed to uncover every secret in this so-called idyllic sea-side town. And the reporter longed to reveal every sordid tale.


Though kind and understanding, the Hardisons - the owners of the Village Inn Bed & Breakfast - were less than accommodating to her situation. If she couldn't pay, she couldn't stay.

Which was fair. They had a business to run.

But just one night was half her rent.

She considered asking Uncle Howard if he had room. But she'd hate to burden him further when he was already dealing with so much. She couldn't ask Jake or Reuben either. She didn't know them well enough. EJ probably lived at Seresin manor and was... well. Missing in action. So that left...


Her thumb hovered over the call button. But ultimately she called another uber to take her down to the Marina instead. Reuben was waiting.

She chuckled to herself as she waited for her ride. She never dated much in LA. Always too busy with work or family obligations. And if she did go on a date she always managed to find something wrong with them.

How did she cross the country and wind up with more than one person trying to get in her pants?

Unless dinner with Reuben wasn't a date and she misunderstood his meaning. Ugh.

Everything was so muddled. So... wrong.

A small part of her wondered... if she never came to Maine at all...

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