Chapter Three

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The sun blooms on the horizon. Light peaking through my curtains forcing me to open my eyes. I get up and stand by the window watching the sun rise to it's rightful position in the sky. It's golden petals stretching over outwards into the rich blue. A brilliant flower of the sky that warms up our days and invites us to a new day. Though I wish this time I wasn't invited, I wished that this time I'd sleep through the entire day and the next and hopefully forever. But then again all is not fair in life.

The sun is supposed to be the brightest flower dominating the sky but to me the sun is the gloomiest flower to ever exist. It's a gloomy day, my wedding day. I hope it kills me, is what I think to myself.

I sat on the edge of my bed thinking about the events of today when suddenly several maids accompanied by my mother came in. "Good morning honey" my mother spoke from across the room moving closer to me. Excitement written in her face, she looks so happy, why can't I be just as happy ? I thought to myself. "morning mother" I replied my face void of any emotion.

"what brings you here in this early morning?" I asked, that was a rhetorical question because I knew why they were here, why she was here. "What do you mean, it's my favorite daughter's wedding day, where did you expect me to be?" Is she that excited to give me away ? "I'm your only daughter mother" I stated the obvious "still it is your day today and I should be here" she said now looking through the wedding dresses. "Why aren't you trying to stop this mother ?" I questioned trying to understand why she of all people would be so willing to give me away. She paused, saying nothing to anyone and the room was silent. Even the maids went silent. "Please excuse us ladies" she broke the silence and the maids marched out of the room.

She still hadn't turned around to look at me nor has she said anything either so I spoke "why are you so willing to give me away mother ?" I couldn't understand and I needed to know why. She remained quiet. "Look at me mother" I ordered. She turned around to look at me. I frowned at the sight before my eyes. She was crying, why ? She started moving towards me in silent and slow movements until she was face to face with me. She took my face into her hands and her thumb on my left cheek. "It is never a mother's wish to see their baby go away Elayne" she cried silently. I hate the wet material running down her cheeks but I don't understand either "then why mother ?" I questioned again. "But it is always a mother's wish to see her daughter happy" but I am not happy, can she not see that at all. "Elayne you are not happy here..." I cut her off  " and you're sure that I'll be happy in a palace and a kingdom I don't know ?" I questioned. "You might not be happy in that palace or in the kingdom my love but trust me, with Zyair you will be" why would she even think that ? "I don't want to be happy with him mother, I want to stay, here with you" I spoke holding back tears and she went silent, she let go of my face and suddenly she found the floor quite interesting because it was all she could look at for two minutes. She held my hand "as long as you are here, your father will continue to treat like an asset, he has never treated you like his daughter nor has he ever done anything good for you" she continued "but Zyair, that's the only good thing he has for you" I was about to question but she beat me to it "a mother know Elle, a mother always knows" sincerity, that's what I saw in her puffy red eyes. "Marry him" she sobbed "I promise you'll find the love you've been searching for from your father, the love he failed to deliver" she seems so confident "Zyair will give it to you, mother's honor" she smiled with tears in her eyes and took me in her arms embracing me in a hug.

These are the only arms I've felt safe in for years of my life, everyday. I would breath and gasp for air everyday with me in her arms but I know as of today the desire to die only gets stronger as of today I gasp for air wishing to be dead.

Destined To Fall Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora