Chapter six

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"Do me the favour father, I beg of you" I begged him. "Take my life away" I added. "That would be too easy would it not?" He grinned looking straight into my eyes, the same eyes I see when I look into a mirror everyday. "You should suffer Elayne, you deserve it" he said. "You're scared Richard" I told him "excuse me ?" He questioned me looking away "You want me dead but you're too much of a coward to do it yourself" I was trying to provoke him, I wanted him to do it "You want me to starve to death ?" I asked "Fine then, starve me to death but you should know this, as long as live I will be  a reminder of your cowardliness" I spoke calmly and from a distance I could see his demeanor starting to shift "In death I will remind you of what you couldn't do, even in the after life I will haunt you Richard" It worked because before I know it there's a sword sticking in my chest. Piercing through my heart like the blue eyes piercing my soul. He looked at me, "On second thoughts, I brought you into this world, it is only fair if I take you away" he scoffed as blood left my body drop after drop slowly creating a pool around me. Finally, I leave this cruel world. And from a distance I could see a light so I lay there waiting for it to take me. It got closer, the more it did the more the smile on my face spreads.

Until it came to a hault and I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the light coming in through the windows, I woke up and sat up straight only to find myself in Zyair's chambers. Maids running around everywhere trying to help their new princess. "It was only just a dream" I said to myself rubbing my temples. I attempted to get off the bed to prepare myself for the day ahead when suddenly Zyair came into view "What was just a dream ?" He asked meanwhile drying his wet hair with a white towel. He does have quite a handsome face. I went from his face down to his neck and down to his chest. How am I able to see his chest ? That's when I realized his upper body wasn't covered with anything. On the bright sideof that, I liked it. Why you ask ? I have no idea. On the not so bright side, there were maids in the room. I looked around me for anything and found a towel on the side table and grabbed it. I threw it to him and he caught it instantly. I turned to the ladies in the room and said "leave us, please" and they went out the room in rushed steps and flushed cheeks. The last woman went out and shut the door behind her just as I got up and headed towards the bathroom. "Cover up" I told him. He gave me a wide smirk and looked at me "what ? Jealous?" He teased. "Not at all your highness, if you won't respect me at least keep your dignity" I told him and left him rooted in the same spot he stood in.

I was done preparing for the day. I wore a navy blue dress with a bit of golden detail. And a tiara with blue diamonds. With a diamond necklace around my neck. I went out of the bathroom to find him sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked at me, more like studying me from head to toe. "Beautiful" he muttered. I stood rooted in my spot "what ?" I asked. " I said you look beautiful" he looked at me and came closer. "Never received a  compliment before princess ?" He questioned and i ignored him moving away from him and to the chair positioned in front of the mirror. "So we're pretending nothing happened before you disappeared into that bathroom for hours?" He asked me moving closer. "What happened ? your highness" I questioned him. "Are you serious?" I ignored him and carried on with fixing my hair. "Okay" he said holding up his hands amused and left the room.

Just then the maids came back inside and started cleaning the room. "Ladies" I coughed. "A minute please" I asked them. "I understand it is your work to make sure every room in this palace is clean and spotless" they nodded their heads "But from now on please do not clean this one, I shall do it myself" I said looking at them "but your higness" one of them exclaimed "Elayne" I said "call me Elayne" I added. "From today onwards please do not come here unless asked to do so, i ask you all politely" I said to them "Yes your high..I mean Elayne" one of them said. "You may leave, please" with that they marched out of the room in a fine line.

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