Chapter Nine

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A gloomy Morning came after a night fear and worry. Fear of the unknown. Yesterday father informed us that Queen Stella fell ill with unknown causes. I had promised Vesper to travel back to Lendorr with him but when I woke up this morning to check up on him, he wasn't there.

"Where is he?" Father questioned when I told him he was gone. "He went home father, he couldn't wait for morning to come while his mother could possibly die at any time" I replied holding the piece of paper he had left behind before leaving. "Then go after him Zyair...." I cut him off "he doesn't want me to go father" I said referring to the words written down on that piece of paper " he wants me to stay behind, he says he will inform us of any changes" a pause. "That stubborn boy" he said rubbing his temples. "You may leave son" he dismissed me and I was on my way.

I don't understand why he left so abruptly, I thought quietly to myself when I bumped into Astoria. "watch where you walk brother" she spat after she almost fell, I didn't respond. "Zyair" she called, I looked at her "what's the matter ?" She asked "Are you worried about Aunt Stella ?" She asked again answering her own question. I nodded "I am more worried about Vesper Astoria" a pause "If anything was to happen to his mother he would lose it" I said, concern visible in my voice. "She'll pull through Zyair, nothing could kill that old lady" she said and I scoffed "true" I said sounding a little cheerful. "Have you seen Elayne today ?" I asked and realized I asked the wrong person when her attitude changed completely "Astoria.." a pause "I haven't seen her Zyair, nor would I like to" what did she ever do to her ? I thought to myself as she walked away. Typical Astoria.

I continued on my way down the hallway and made a turn only to be met with the most beautiful blue eyes I know. "How long have you been standing here?" I asked her "Long enough" she replied "She really doesn't like me does she ?" She added "She'll come around" I replied and she looked at me with eyes that told she didn't believe that " I don't need her to, I can live with her treatment...." she looked at where Astoria had disappeared to "I'm used to being unwanted " she added. Those words break me everytime I hear them.
And she turns on her heals to leave but I grab her arm before she can. For a moment time stands still before she turns to look at me. "If you've been standing here 'long enough' as you said you should know I have been looking for you" I said, she pulled away "why ?" She questioned. "May we head outside?" I asked gesturing to the exit ahead. She didn't reply but rather walked ahead. Cheeky.

We walked to the garden, at the same spot she conversed with mother and took a sit opposite each other. She looked at the flowers around her, admiring them in silence when I finally spoke "You're very beautiful Elayne" she froze in time and turned to look at me slowly, stunned. "I'm sure you didn't bring me out here to speak about my beauty" she said, what if I did ? I thought but said nothing. "Let's start over" I said "huh ?" She asked "This, you, me, us Let's start it all over" I said and she scoffed "Do you not think it's rather too late for that your highness?" She asked "And I would appreciate it if you stopped calling me your highness Elayne" I told her. "We may be married but we are not on the first name basis" she said using my own words against me "So what would you rather I call you?" I asked " I would rather you didn't your higness" she said looking me dead in the eyes. I grinned "I am sorry to say that's not possible princess, we are married, how could I not address my own wife ?" I mocked. She said nothing. "Elayne.." a pause, trying to brace myself for the words i was about to say. "Be my wife, not forcefully but willingly" I told her " I want you to be mine Elayne.....willingly".

It's a bit late, but I promised ya'll an update didn't I ?
I hope you guys enjoy it .
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