Chapter four

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"you look ravishing cousin" Vesper grinned staring at me. He's just teasing "Your family is here" he added.
"where are they ?" I questioned, at least father should be up here, this is his doing after all. Just then he entered the room "Zyair..." he said before looking me up and down followed by a big grin on his wrinkled face. Who am I kidding, that man is everything but wrinkled, I chuckled to myself. I just want to wipe that grin off his face though. "Stop smiling like that old man, you look awful" I mentioned in a tease. His smile only got bigger "you wish i was old Zyair" he said laughing quietly. This man jokes too much, how do his people take him seriously.

"Your sister, couldn't make it son" he added and I frowned. I knew Astoria wouldn't come through but I was at least hoping she would make an appearance. "She said to tell you that you'll meet her back in the palace and she's sorry" I scoffed "Do not speak lies father, it doesn't suit you" I said looking away from him "At least she'll be there to welcome you and your princess back home" he tried to lighten the mood and somehow it worked because a smile suddenly spread across my face which never went unnoticed by these two men in the room. "Look at you, smiling and whatnot" my father pointed out looking amused. "Isn't it fascinating how everytime she is mentioned your mood changes all of a sudden" Vesper teases. It is indeed quite fascinating isn't it ? I thought to myself but  dodged his question. "We're getting late" I told them and they smirked looking at each other. I shook my head and walked out the door. Seriously how does my father rule his kingdom ? The man is a man child.

They say the most beautiful things cannot be touched but felt by the heart, whoever said that wasn't in their right minds because now looking at the setting of my wedding, I couldn't believe my eyes. It is quite cheesy that it is a garden but the decoration over shadows the negative of all because I find none. The decoration is beautiful with not so bright colors but still good. I am now standing at the end of the aisle waiting patiently for my bride, my princess to join me. I'm nervous, why ? It's just a girl, I've seen plenty of woman, this feeling isn't making much sense.

All my questions are erased from my head the minute she appeared before my eyes. I couldn't fight the nervous feeling growing within me, it overpowers me. Earlier I thought the setting and decorations were beautiful. I was fooling myself because what I see now is beyond anything I could describe. She looked ravishing and all I could think off was 'in a few minutes she'll be mine' I was so consumed in my thoughts that I failed to realize she was walking down the aisle, alone. "You dropped your jaw down there cousin, I think it's best you pick it up before it drools" Vesper whispered in my ear, did i mention he's my best man ? He insisted. I was so mesmerized i didn't notice I was gaping at her until Vesper mentioned it. I pulled myself together again when she stood right in front of me. She's quite short, I thought to myself.

"With this ring I take princess Elayne Irez as my beloved wife. I will love her, comfort her, honor her and I shall keep her in health and in sickness forsaking all other and loving only her, forever" I said my vows and slipped the ring into her finger. It looks good on her, I thought to myself.

"With this ring I take prince Zyair Gray as my husband...." she has a beautiful voice, I trailed of in my own thoughts thinking about how good it sounded when she said my name. I want her to be the only woman to say my name now. My name shall not be spoken of or heard from any other woman but her. I was so far off I didn't realize she has said her vows and finished them. The ring was on my finger, we are married. I am married, to Elayne. My princess soon to be my Queen. Life is quite intriguing as of today. I shall enjoy it to the fullest with her by my side.

We walked down the aisle together hand in hand waving to the people. The wedding was now over and somehow it still hadn't settled in my head that we are married. I get to take her home, my home. I thought to myself. "Your bags have already been sent to your palace your majesties" a guard informed me and Vesper and we nodded dismissing him. "You are married cousin" he said shaking his head "act right by her" he added and I stayed silent. We walked down towards our horses. Finding Elayne, her mother and King Richard standing there. She embraced her mother and went on to her father when she moved to her father the queen called for me "Treat her right Zyair" she said, fear and hope clouding her emotions " I trust that you will" she added looking straight into my eyes. And I couldn't help but say "I promise to do so my queen" she looked relieved with my words but I couldn't help hearing the conversation next to me between Elayne and Richard. "Be good Elayne, do not embarrass me" her father said "I will not Richard" she just addressed his father, the king by his first name, he looked stunned by the words coming from his daughter. "Elayne.." he started but was cut off "You are no longer my king" she said "I no longer belong to your kingdom and you are no longer my father because you sold me for your own gains" I was out of words "The word father has rotten in my mouth Richard" she moved away and looked at his father's eyes that resembles hers. "I am only glad I don't have to carry your name anymore, it has been a burden" she said betrayal dancing in her eyes. "Treat my mother well" she spat and walked away leaving a speechless and fuming King behind. With me following behind her.

This woman, I thought to myself. So intriguing. She almost has me in the palm of her hands already. Those are the last thoughts that came to my mind when we took off. We'll she's going to my world now, I can't wait to see how this plays out.

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