Chapter Ten

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"I want you to be mine.....willingly" to say I am shocked would be an understatement, does he truly think I am some prize to claim ? "Your jokes aren't as funny as you think they are your highness" I told him. "Because it is either that or you are losing your mind" and I noticed his posture change for a minute but he soon regained it. "It wasn't a joke princess" a pause "but I don't mind losing my mind if it means I get you" I was now on my feet and ready to leave when he did the same and approached me. "Elayne.." he said getting closer "I may be losing my mind" he said In a low voice and somehow it affected me in a way I didn't want it to. "I am already your wife Zyair..." he cut me off "I don't want that Elayne, I don't just want a wife" he said "The word means nothing if that wife can't look at me as her prince and husband" he emphasized. "Then that means you'll never have one" i paused looking into his grey eyes "I'm sorry to say but I can never be yours your highness" I said "ever" and I turned in my heels and walked away. I could hear him mumble behind me but I couldn't make out what he said nor did I care.

I left Zyair in the garden and headed for my chambers. As soon as I entered the room I let go of a breath I never knew I was holding. My heart was beating ridiculously fast and my breaths were hitched. 'I want you to be mine..' those words affected me so much and I hated it. Those words and every other word he used, I hate them. I hate him for making me feel this way. 'I can never be his' I kept telling myself and I believed it. I believed that I hated his words and I hated him. I believed myself, I believe myself.

I sat in front of the mirror. I did nothing, just stared at the pale reflection of myself that stared right back at me. His words kept replaying themselves in my head, they invaded my head without my permission and I can't get them out. I thought back to before I married Zyair. My life was miserable, my own father resented and treated me like an asset. I never understood why he could never give me the love he should as a father. I hate him as well. I found myself laughing lowly at the thought of him. "My life will never change for the better" I thought to myself while reaching out for the hair brush. Or so I thought, "I'm glad to know you've noticed princess" a vile voice spoke. "You lived under the control of your father back in Avalon, one that brought you into this earth but could never love you" she paused looking straight into my eyes through the mirror, amusement dancing in her own "your father could never love you Elayne, it's quite pathetic to think that Zyair ever will" she spat. I got up from where I sat and stood before her "See that's the thing princess" I said "It's not love that I want nor is it Zyair" I said moving closer to her "I want nothing to do with this place or this world and as for the man I once called father, I couldn't care less of his thoughts about me" she moved back as I got closer "my life is miserable enough to end it" I smiled "but I'd hate to give you the satisfaction of seeing me breathless" I said in a low voice and noticed the amusement in her eyes has disappeared "Now please excuse me princess" I said heading back to the mirror I sat in front of "I would like to get back to brushing my hair, it's quite late" irritation was now visible in every feature of her body and she stormed out, leaving a smile of satisfaction in my face. I hope she never bothers me again, I really do.

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