Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Song: By Britt Nicole -  seeing for the first time

It's freezing in the small café where I work but I can't complain because my boss was kind enough to give me this job at the last minute. This is not the ideal world I had intended to live in, my childhood was filled with so much chatter and happiness, my hope was to get married to my childhood sweetheart but as he moved away to a different city to be closer to his family so that didn't happen. 

Anyway back to tonight, I'm the only one who's here as everyone else has left me to clean and lock up 'as usual' I think to myself as the single sound of bristles hitting the hard tiled floor echo's throughout the building.

I may not be strong but I am to my little sister Johanna who is 5 and looks up to me like all kids do as she thinks of me as her mother. So much for our mother, as she can't be bothered to look after the child that needs her and instead gets drunk on a daily basis. 

So I got stuck with a 5 year old who is completely dependant on me. I had to drop out of school early due to me being called constantly by her school saying that she would hit other children and say offensive comments to the other children and teachers.

 I continue sweeping the dark café, looking down at bony legs, I can barely buy clothes that flatter my figure. I look out of the window and see the barren streets with single footprints being covered by the 15th layer of snow that has fallen since this morning.

I look back to the floor where I seem to hang my head the most wishing my life was better. I hear the bell ring on the diner door and I don't know what to do. 

My body freezes as I grip the handle of the fragile wooden stick and  decide to play it cool and just say "sorry, were closed", praying it's not a burglar. 

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't come for the food, I just thought I'd say hi" his deep voice hammers the walls around the building. 

I look up from my comfort zone and look at the handsome creature standing in front of me and my breathe is literally sucked out of me when I look into his deep ocean blue eyes. His comical smile plastered all over his face, possibly finding what he just said funny. 

"Oh" I finally stutter out and his smile widens, his smile lines visible and his dimples. 

His smiles disappears as he takes off his coat, hat and gloves and grabs a broom from the counter then begins to sweep the parts off of the floor where I have not started yet. 

"So why is a beauty like you alone on such a cold and dark night?" his eyes furrow and then that smiles returns.

He suddenly puts the broom down and then disappears into the back "you shouldn't be in there!" I shout to him but nothing but silence returns to me.

"Here" he says after a few moments reappearing and passing me my bag and my worn out jacket. His hand brushes mine as I take my coat from him I blush and he laughs. 

He takes the broom from my hand and takes them into the back. Turning the lights out as he comes back through.

"You wanna go for a walk or something?" he asks his eyebrows nearly reaching his hair line. 

"I don't know you!" I exclaim stepping back slightly, my heart starts to race 'this is something you see in those horror movies this is how I'm going to be kidnapped'. 

"I'm not going to kidnap you and I'm not some random weirdo of the street!" his eyebrows soften and he steps closer to me. "My name is ?, I want to give you an offer but I don't want to discuss it here?" he looks at me questioningly. I think about running but he doesn't seem like a murder or kidnapper. 

The rich boy's girl! COMPLETED!! (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now