Chapter 11: sometimes even the nice guys are jerks!

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I walk in and see Mat lying in bed with her in our bed and their naked and their having sex...

As soon as I open the door they turn and look at me and Mat's eyes widen and so they should, being in the bed with her that's crazy. I thought he was over her. What the hell?

He get's out of the bed and pushes her off him, while she uses the covers to cover her body with the sheets that me and him have used and I've slept in them. Tears spring to my eyes as I think that him and her have just done.....that and me and him have done 'it' in the same place.

The thought of her hands on him and his on her explode in my head as he steps closer with blanket around his middle - oh so he covers when I'm here but is happy to walk around naked for her, jerk.

"Anna...." he says his voice shaky from....oh I don't know why it is.

"How could you?"

"L....let me explain" he says grabbing my wrist and the thoughts come flooding back of him and her as I tug to get away but I'm not strong enough.

"Explain what?, why you jumped into bed with her or how you could be so stupid!!" I spit my words at him and he winces obviously seeing my pain.

"No....she was j....just there and she made me feel better and then it just happened" he says shaking but still holding a perfect grip on my now red wrist.

"Oh so you couldn't have come to me instead, or how could you have been so stupid to not see through her little nice kind act  because it seemed pretty clear to see to me and I'm sure no one could miss that but oh wait your not smart are you.  You just act like it!"

He winces at my harsh words again but my tears are no longer there anymore it's just hurt and anger. He stays quiet so I continue my rant. "How could you? You know how I feel about you and yet you just let that go;  a second ago when you fucked that whore.

"I'm not a fucking whore. You little bitch" I hear Jessica shout from behind Mat, still sat naked in my sheets. On my side. Where I sleep - or slept.

"Oh yeah, then what do you call jumping into bed the first time you see a man after months who has a fiancée?" she stays quiet and my question has been answered.

"I couldn't come to you because I knew you were busy and we had to talk about something. I needed closure" he says finally and I turn my death glare towards him as I take in his answer.

"I wasn't busy. I sat in a room waiting for you two for half an hour. Doing nothing and you call that busy, yeah right and what did you need closure from?. Your mother said no to her because of her hair and I couldn't agree more with the women about her hair, I mean c'mon look at it" I say with small grin but it doesn't mask the anger still etched on my face.

"She didn't say no because of her hair"

"And hey, my hairs perfectly fine" Jessica interjects in the background and Mat turns to her.

"Please leave Jessica, I need to talk to Anne alone" he says as I look down at my wrist that is now clearly turning white.

Jessica looks stunned but grabs her clothes and walks out the room naked to the bathroom that is opposite 'our' room and then get's changed; rather quickly before leaving silently.

He lets go of my hand and locks the door behind me and then tells me to sit.

My head is still racing as well as my heart but I tell them both to shut up because I need to concentrate on what he's doing and what he's saying.

"What do you mean?" I ask; my heart racing.

"She was my fiancée once and......then she went away to go and do a job but it was in England and I visited her as much as I could but it wasn't working and we ended."   I stay quiet and he continues. "

The rich boy's girl! COMPLETED!! (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now