Chapter 4: Fixing broken hearts

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Song: By Britt Nicole - Hanging on.

I walk up the stairs and along the corridor and walk towards the door that is Mats. I knock but there's no answer and the doors unlocked so I walk in but to my surprise there's no one in here so I close the door and turn around. I look left then right down the corridor and I can't see where he would be, i know he's not downstairs as he walked up here when he walked off but I don't know where he is.

I look up and look at long the corridor and no more than 5 feet away from me is a hole in the roof big enough for a human like me or you to fit through and there's a light on but I'm not sure if he is up there or not, I mean he could have more maids or something but I guess I'm going to have to take the chance and find out.

I walk still looking up towards the hole. I'm now standing under the hole and the lights pouring out even more now but all I can see is the roof that shields the light from outside, so this must be the attic.

"Hello" I say looking up to the light that is so blinding it's like being in heaven and I can't look up at it for less than 10 seconds. I get no answer so I decide to climb the ladders that are at the side of the hole, secretly praying that they won't give way under my weight. Who am I kidding the only weight that I have on me is my boobs and even them have taken some beating as my body has taken to getting fat off them for my body from my insufficient lack of food.

I reach the top and my head pokes out of the top and I can see Mat and he's standing looking out of the window, and I must admit that this little room that is tucked away up here in the attic  is really kitted out but the thing that impresses me the most is the paintings and drawings that are up here and a lot of them are of women that I think have been here before that he must have liked.

I stand up fully coming out of the entrance and I think he feels my presence because he turns around and gives me a little half hearted smile but I can tell there's something still killing him.

"Hey" I say and he smiles and nods.

"Hey, how did you find me?"

"Well Sandy told me about..... and I came looking for you and I saw the light and here I am" I explain as he just nods then his brows furrow and I hold my breath guessing what's coming next.

"What did she tell you?"

"E....Erm s...she told me about J...Jessica and about how you w....walked away from me after you k....kissed me because you are afraid to again" I explain stuttering like a mad women who's seen her celebrity crush for the first time and can't get her words out.

He nods looking slightly embarrassed and ashamed at someone else having to tell me and not him, I'm guessing.

"Oh ye I'm sorry did she tell you the whole story?"

I pause for a moment and then nod checking that she did tell me the whole story and he nods back sitting down on the couch and sighing, I walk over and join him.

"You see my mother doesn't approve of the girls I bring to her because there not... rich and she wants me to marry a princess or something like that and to be honest I don't. I don't care if the girl that I fall for is homeless, poor or rich, I look for the personality and that they don't like me for my money and I saw you and I can tell. But when I saw you in that café the other night I saw Jessica in you, I picked her up in the very same café you know and she stood in the very same place as you did.


"Ye and I picked her up the same way and I fell for her... and I took her to my mother and again she said no and do you know why?"


"Because she didn't like the way her hair was... pst... stupid bitch"

"You call your mother a bitch" I ask surprised and shocked that he would call her that.

"She's not my mum, she's my step mum, she has my dad and the rest of my family rapped around her finger" he says and I nod understanding not knowing how his mum could be so judgmental just for her hair.

"and do know what the worst part is?, she was poor once, I've taken on in a way what my dad used to do as he can't do it any more because my mother, sorry step mother would disapprove and he doesn't want to let her go whereas I could care less if she got hit by a bus"

"Oh I'm sorry" I say not really knowing why I'm apologising for.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about, it's that cow who should be sorry, everyone's life's would be better if she never came here, so yeah when times get to tough I come here and paint or I come to think really and all the paintings you see here are of all the girls who I have loved and no not every single girl is painted here, I only paint the ones I develop Love for so, if you like these girls are the lucky ones who make It into my private gallery" he explains as I look around at the beautiful girls he has ever fallen in love with and how he is such a good artist.

"Oh... now I get it"

He chuckles and then stands up this is turning out to be a really good day, well except the part where he walked off from me but it's all forgotten.

"You comin'" he asks and I nod then follow him back down the ladder with him making sure I don't fall. I wait for him to shut the small door to seal the hole and then I follow him downstairs where he grabs his coat and I look at him weirdly.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh I'm going out for business you can stay here and... do what you want" he says fastening his shoes and then putting on his gloves.

"Oh... ok what time will you be back?"

"5, if you need anything ask Sandy and if it's urgent call me ok, and you are right your boobs do hang out of that top, keep that on. It looks good on you" he says smiling his cheeky grin and I smirk back at him before he ads "see you".

"Bye" I say as he shuts the door and I stand staring at the closed door sighing happily to myself before I end up jumping again when a voice comes from behind me.

"He likes you"

I turn around and see that it's Sandy and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"You think and you need to stop scaring me like that"

"Ye and sorry love" she chuckles and I can see the most beautiful and motherly figure in her.

"I'll have to put a bell on you then you can't sneak up on me, and Erm do you think I could talk to my sister like call her up maybe"

"I don't think they make bells for humans but I'll look it up" she smiles grinning " and yes I'll call the maid that is keeping there new house and I'll get Johanna is it" I nod "on the phone".

"I'll hold you to that and thank you, I think I'll go and watch some TV for a while, maybe"

"Ok darlin' I'll call you when I have Johanna on the phone"

"Thank you" I shout back as I make my way to the living room where there is a very big flat-screen TV placed in the centre of the room.

"There's nothing to thank me for dear" I hear her shout back as her voice get's fainter signalling that she has begun to walk away. I sit down on the very large couch and it's quite comfy for my liking and I switch the TV on and start watching any program and looking at TV that I have missed in ages from having to give our TV away as we needed the money for food.

Now all I have to do is talk to my sister and hopefully make sure she's happy and then work on my practice with making myself presentable enough so that Mats Step mother will like me, I sound desperate but I can't go back to the way we were.

I really can't....

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