Chapter 14: It's all about will power

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(Chapter 13 Recap: Anna comes to the house and is waiting for Mat to return home to tell him that she's pregnant but he comes home early and she isn't downstairs so she has to come down and face Mat. He stares bright back at her confused and astounded. She now must face him!)

I stand there frozen to the spot watching Mat as his eyes move up and down and rest on my swollen stomach. He watches it with amazement and I don't whether to run or hide or just say something - I can't run so what's the use and he'll find me if I hide.

"Anna...!" he asks astounded as I breath a sigh, glad that I didn't have to say the first word because I honestly don't know what to say, I mean what can I say - Hi Mat I'm pregnant with your baby, your maid knew before you and kept it secret but it's alright, yeah right.

"Mat. Hi" I say shyly and suddenly self-conscience of the baby and my size.

"What are you doing here? and are you alright?" he asks aghast looking at my stomach and the angry hormones take over.

"Well off course I'm alright Mat, I'm bloody pregnant. I've not got a disease and why do you think I'm here you fool" I shout then lowering my voice for the babies sake. Whilst using my hands to exaggerate my answers.

"Erm..." He says looking from me then to Sandy for help but she gives him a plain stare.

"I'm here because of this" I say pointing to my stomach.

He stands in silence and furrows his eyebrows at me. He's never been one of the brightest with jokes or at anything really but does it need a genius to work out or put two and two together.

"Oh for fucks sake Mat this is your baby and your the father. I came to tell you and see if you wanted part of it's life but actually I can see that your that dumb that you can't put two and two together so obviously your not that smart"

He stand there in silence as I brush past him and grab my coat.

I go towards the door and feel a sharp jab of pain. I stop thinking it might just be the baby kicking as I've just had a argument. After another minute its there again and it's stronger.

"OW" I double over looking forward and I feel Sandy come towards me and she's now next to me looking at me.

"Anna. What's wrong?"

"The baby. It's coming" I say as I see Sandy's face click and for the first time in ages I've never seen her face serious. It's always cheery and happy. Even when I told her I was pregnant she still had a beam on her face.

I remember one time when Mat walked in from the gym and had muddy trainers from having to walk home and it went all over her nice new cleaned floors and instead of doing what another mother or maid would have done. Actually what any normal women would have done is gone mad but she just took it on the chin and cleaned it up.

The pain's are coming in waves now as Sandy tells me to go to the living room and sit down or get comfy as she yells at Mat to stay with me while she calls an ambulance.

Mat comes and puts his arm around me while I sit on the floor as I don't fancy sitting on the couch right now. A few minutes later Sandy comes back in and gives me a worried look "There's no available ambulance near and they can't get another out yet. The women told me that the baby may have to be born here if the ambulance can't make it in time" she tells me and I start to panic.


"Don't worry Anna focus on your breathing and concentrate. I used to be a nurse but I gave it up after I had my son and then I came into this business.

'Wow so convenient'. I think to myself as she asks if I can make it to the bedroom.

"OW" I say again as another hits me but sending pain shooting up through my stomach and down through my back.

As another comes I scream as Mat carries me up the stairs not wanting to look at me knowing he's caused this.

We reach the bedroom and he places me on the bed. Sandy instructs him to take off my pants and knickers so she can examine me but he hesitates looking at me but Sandy answers for me "Don't stand there do it. Surely your not shy now. You took her clothes off her before now you can do it again. It's not like you've not seen the bottom half naked before. Now hurry"

He takes it in and then looks at me one last time before going and taking my pants down carefully and then my knickers.

She then puts a towel over my bottom half and tells Mat to stand over to the other side of me and just reassure me. I spread my legs and put my feet together as she then examines me before saying "Your 5 centimetres dilated" letting me put my legs back down.

"Is she alright" He asks to no one in particular and then Sandy gives him a sympathetic look.

"She's halfway already but her waters haven't broken yet so we'll keep her moving so that we can hurry it along" He nods trusting her and then the phone rings signalling Sandy that she's got a call.

"Yes.....I will......Okay.....Thank you.....yes she is......she's 5 they haven't broken yet. I'm keeping her upright and getting her to walk around to help the waters break.......yes I will.......Okay.....Bye" She hangs up and turns to me but sees that I'm in the middle of a contraction and so she turns to Mat and tells him what's happening in case he's turned his ears off when she was on the phone. "The Ambulance can't get here yet but they said keep going and that I need to stay with you when you go to the hospital"

I nod my head as another comes and she tells me to get up and walk about a bit.

I'm standing leaning over the dressing table as it helps with the pain and I feel pressure underneath and then I hear a pop and water comes gushing down my legs and onto the carpet.

"Shit" I say as I stand up and Sandy comes over telling me to sit on the be with my legs up again.

She checks me and tells me I'm 8 centimetres.

It's been nearly 2 hours and the Ambulance still haven't arrived. There given updates by Sandy and I'm doing the best I can with no pain relief but she can tell I'm not going to last as I'm getting tired and I'm at 9 still and haven't moved in the last half an hour.

"I can't anymore Sandy. Please let me push"

"I'm sorry honey but you need to wait till it get's to ten. I know your tired but you need to stay strong, okay. Look at Mat" I look at Mat and he gives me a smile then kisses my head and says

"You can do it!" Then I turn back to Sandy and she continues "Now he knows you can do it and so do I you need to believe that you can also. Can you do that for me?, Anna"

I nod my head after hesitation and she checks again and it's like I've just crossed the finish line when she says "You're 10" and I smile knowing that I'm ready.

"Okay now when I tell you your going to push, okay"

"Okay" I say nodding while looking at Mat as he looks nervous and he grabs my hand as I turn back towards her.

"Okay, ready. You're gonna put your chin on your chest and push as hard as you can" I nod as she says okay push.

I push letting a tiny scream out of my mouth but I try and keep all my energy into pushing as I hear Sandy say well done and let go.

I let go breathing heavily and then sit for a few seconds until she tells me again.

Push........Push.......Push.........Push........Push and then pop!

The babies out and she takes it into a blanket and puts it into my chest as I hear it cry. I look to Mat and see he has tiny tears in his eyes and I am taken aback at how much love his eyes are showing for this precious thing.

I can't help but watch as he holds the baby for the first.

Our baby girl.

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