Chapter 22: Karma will always catch up with you, no matter what.

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Turns out Sandy isn't back she was just visiting as she went back home this morning to her father, who by talking to her sounds like he's on a downward spiral.

Poppy is now 1. Her birthday is today. She wasn't very happy that her faviroute person apart from me was not here today to celebrate her birthday and that person was, no not Mat it was Sandy. Mat returned early this morning after Sandy had left and so she was happy to see him but I guess she didn't feel like everyone was here.

Amelia and Poppy are becoming good friends and I caught them together as Amelia leaned over her cot and was playing peek-a -boo with Poppy who thought it was the most hilarious thing in the world and was giggling hysterically.


"Hey Anna" I hear from the living room as the voice comes closer and the familiar person I fell in love with comes into view standing on the threshold of the kitchen and the living room.

I look up "Yeah?" he smiles and walks to me with a piece of paper in his hands.

"Look what I found. I thought we could have these for the centre piece of the tables at the wedding" he explains.

"Oh wow. There beautiful!" I exclaim with delight at the beautiful rose that are a mixture of red and white.

"The red represent love and the white represent purity like you because your the purest person I have ever met" he smiles the cheeky smile at me and I smack him in the chest.

"You want something mister" he holds his chest pretending to be hurt as I point my finger at him.

"You know what I want" he whispers seductively in my ear.

"And when could we do that?"

"Oh c'mon Anna the last time we did it was before the drama with Jessica and before Poppy was born. I miss you and so does he" He smiles at the last part.

"Oh does he?" I ask smirking as I stand up to his height.

"Yes he really does" he says mater-of-factly.

"Oh well let's get to it then" I say smirking.

"Really?" he asks his eyes brightening up.

I burst out laughing and sit back down trying to catch my breath as he pouts. "We can do it tonight. I promise"

"Do you promise?"


"Pinkey promise" he says with his smile back on his face.

"What are we kids again?" I ask chuckling as he picks me up and twirls me around.

"We can be if you'd like" he puts me back down as I chuckle and Pinkey Promise before getting back to work with the flowers.


It's around noon and the phone rings through the large house as I hear Mat walk down the stairs and hear him pick it up. "Hello" he starts and it's silent for a moment with only "uh huh" to go on and an occasional "yes" and then the phone goes down and it's becomes quiet again.

I look up and wait for him to come into the kitchen telling me someone wants us to come over for dinner or it's Sandy asking us if we could come and see us or she's telling us that she's coming back home and everything turned out well after all, but nothing comes. No footsteps, no doors opening or closing, nothing except.....Silence.

I find him stood looking at the door lost in thought like it's the most inspiring thing in the world. "What's up honey?" I ask and he turns around and smiles lightly at me.

The rich boy's girl! COMPLETED!! (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now