Chapter 12: 'He's making a big mistake'

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I lye on the couch in my pyjama's.


I haven't moved for 2 weeks except for food and the toilet but other than that I've been here for 2 weeks watching TV waiting for the world to pass me by.

It's been 2 weeks and nothings happened since I left the house, I know Sandy has read the message as she rang the house but I didn't answer so she left a message. He hasn't called or texted or even tried to come after me so I guess his feelings for Jessica are still there and that he would rather be with her than me.

His step mother has called and left a message saying she's cancelled the wedding and if I need anything then I can just ask but I've not called back Sandy or her because I know that it will just result in making me more miserable.

 Johanna is now sitting and spending more time in her room as she tries to interact with me but I just don't feel up to going anywhere or doing anything let alone play with dolls.

Were still living in the house that Mat and his step mother gave us as his mother said that we could stay as long as we wanted, even though Mat was the one who get's to decide who get's the contract, he can't kick us out of the house as it's his mother that decides that and she still likes me.

I'm lying on the couch that now smells like me as it's been my bed for two weeks when the phone rings but I don't get it. The maids no longer get the phone as I've said that any phone calls I'll see to them but each time it rings I don't answer if it's important then they leave a message.

The answer machine beeps telling me that someone's left a message.

I click the button for the messages and listen.

It's Sandy.

'Anne, please pick up I need to talk to you urgently it's about Mat and I know you may not want to talk about it but he's making a big mistake. Please call me back or if you won't, then look in the newspaper that should explain and then call me if you decide to read it'

I sit up thinking about what she's just said.  What does she mean 'making a big mistake?'

I go to the kitchen and the maid looks surprised to see me up as I never get up anymore from my position.

"Has the newspaper come yet?" I ask her and she walks to the basket where there kept then searches for a few moments then look up.

"No sorry, may I ask why?"

"I just need it. Listen I'm going out to go and get it, I'll be back in 10 minutes please make sure Johanna is alright while I'm gone and she might want food later. Thanks"

"Oh...ok sure ye, Bye"

I race up the stairs and take a shower - a very long one and then grab clothes that don't smell weeks old then race out the door and into the cold morning air.

Once I have the paper in my hands I race home.

I scan the pages but don't find much so I call Sandy up for the first time in weeks.

"Hi" I say dimply into the phone hoping it is Sandy.

"Dear is that you?" I hear her say on the other end and my I breath a sign of relief

"Ye and I looked at the newspaper" I say waiting for a reply.

"Oh did you read it, I'm sorry dear"

"No that's why I'm calling I can't see anything"

"It's all over the last page!"

"Oh sorry I didn't read the last page, just tell me what it's about"

The rich boy's girl! COMPLETED!! (Unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant