Thank you!!! (The book is still finished)

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I'd just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented on this book. It took me a while to write and sometimes I even thought about giving up but I kept going and I soon found my rhythm and then I couldn't stop. I enjoy writing in my free time and it makes me happy to give other people a chance to read my work. I hope many of you continue to read and if you liked this story tell your friends to read as well.

Again a massive thank you for almost a thousand reads. Wow! I never thought I'd get here!!!

If your new to writing keep up the good work and follow your heart and what it tells you to write about, those are always the best stories.

Thank you again and I love you all especially my readers who have read my book all the way through. If you didn't like it then I'm sorry for boring you and you can always leave suggestions or improvements.

Love you all xx

Louise x

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