Chapter 7: Watching someone fall apart...

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Once we had another round of the birds and the bees and then eventually showering, we finally get out of the shower and he hands me a towel as we both get dressed as i pick out a denim skirt and a top much like the one that i had on the other day except it cover my stomach and more of my boobs and Mat says "it's looks great, now come on" and drags me out the door saying a quick goodbye to Sandy and then climbing into his car ready to meet the man that has inspired the man that I have come to have feelings for.

Were driving down the highway with me in shotgun when he suddenly starts talking. "You know your the first girl who I ever had sex with that I have gotten from the street" I look amused at him with his sudden outburst of honesty with me and that fact that were going down a highway is the weirdest place to tell me.

"Thank you for your honesty and I guess i should feel lucky, i think" i say looking at him while he grins from ear to ear clearly happy at the pleasure I gave him.

"Well were here" he says as i turn to look outside and we are in fact here. The outside of the hospital  is a grim grey colour not one of those happy grey's but a sad and depressed grey's like when you look up to the sky and you know there's a storm coming or something bad is going to happen and you know from how dull and miserable the sky looks. We step out of his Range Rover and it's like we've stepped into a parrarell universe, the people around us are miserable and not a single smile can be seen, the atmosphere makes me feel like the people around the place.

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the entrance, he never once looks at the people around us just keeps his eyes and head focused on the entrance, unfortunately I don't take his warnings not to look and my eyes wander.  The sad and depressed feelings are overwhelming looking at people crying and begging for others, I'm guessing to come back.

"If you saw my warnings you wouldn't have to have looked at that" he says with sorrow and slight anger in his voice as I turn my head to look forward at the back of Mats head.

We arrive inside and he walks over to the reception desk to ask where his father is as I look around the place, the inside is just as dull as the outside and the sorrow, anger and hurt is clear and evident on more or less everyone's faces, except the small kids who await there fait unknowingly going in to what is the simplified version of hell.

He get's the room number and we walk down long corridor after long corridor, ignoring the screams, cries and anything else that could hurt your ears or scar your heart for life. We arrive at the room number 206 and Mat knocks before hearing a females voice say "come in".

He opens the door and the female nurse nods, looking sadly at Mat before leaving the room as he just gives her a thankful nod and then goes to sit down next to his father as i sit on a chair at the end of the bed leaving the son and father moment undisturbed.

He turns to look at me and i just nod telling him it's alright that he takes this time and he then turns around giving me a small smile before turning away and grabbing his fathers hand. The only sound that can be heard is the artificial breathing machine that is breathing for his father and our breaths, along with the other machines at work beeping and keeping in time with each other.

"Hey dad, it's me Mat, Erm I have one of my girls with me and she's the newest one and Erm.... she's really nice and I'm sure if you could open your eyes you would and then you could see how much she means to me and how beautiful this one is, I think she's a keeper" i smile as he smiles with tears now brimming in his eyes and it brings tears to my eyes. "Erm I miss you dad and I love you and if you want to let go you can there's nothing for you here dad and I don't want you to be in pain any more so you can..." his voice trails off and i know he's crying i hug his head to my chest and he doesn't flinch away he gladly takes the comfort.

Suddenly the machines saying that his heart is beeping suddenly makes a noise and our heads snap to the machines monitor and the line that once had a steady rhythm stills and goes flat. The female nurse comes in and turns the machine off and then leaves the room again, the machines are no longer on.

He's dead.

I can feel his heart start to beat faster and i can feel hot and fresh tears dripping down my hand as i cradle him like he's a baby and then suddenly he erupts.

"No!.... dad i didn't mean it, no come back.....please!!.... please come back!!" he's begging, holding his fathers hand for the last time and all i can do is stand with tears falling down my face as i watch him fall apart because of someone and i realise his dad meant the world to him and his dad was the only thing that kept him going. He stands up as i pull him away and he turns around and just cries on my shoulder until he pulls me down to the floor with him and sits there crying and crying and crying.

We return home 4 hour later after crying and crying on the floor Mat felt strong enough to stand up and go and sign the papers to have his father released from the hospital and taken for his burial.

We return home and he goes straight to his room and I leave him to have a few moments I'd want the same if i was in his situation he's just lost his father so, give him time. I tell Sandy the news and she apologises to me to tell him later and then says she must make his faviroute dinner in this situation.

I then make my way up to his room to go and console him. I reach his door and knock lightly but there's no answer and my nerves start creeping up as I slowly open the door but to my relief he's sat on the bed looking at the ceiling and i walk in and shut the door. My bare feet pad along the carpeted floor and i scooch onto the bed and lye next to him and he does something that surprises me. He grabs me and raps his arms around me as we lye together in silence and i can't remember anything after that as I fall asleep in his arms.   


I wake up later to find the bed empty and I lye in the warm bed feeling confused as my brain wakes up again, retaining it's usual duties of making me look like an actual human being.

I slide out of the bed and I notice that I am in one of Mat's shirts and his underwear, huh so he got me dressed in the night, how thoughtful of him, wait i might have gotten dressed myself. Ah well no point pondering over it is there.

I pad  along the carpet and open the door trying not to make to much noise as Sandy might still be asleep; although i doubt it as she get's up at a time that i believed wasn't humanly possible to stay awake at. I step out of the room and make my way to the kitchen and I can hear them in the kitchen as i approach and so i know that she's made him breakfast.

"Hi" I say as I enter the dimly lit kitchen and walk across the floor to retrieve my breakfast from Sandy and then return to Mat's side to sit quietly and eat.

"Hey, er thanks for yesterday" he says king of nervously and a bit awkwardly.

"Oh no you've already done a lot for me so far the least i could do was do that for you, that's nothing compared to how much you have helped me out, I did what was right and what i hope is in everyone's human nature" i finish and he smiles at m before going back to his food; of which there isn't much of any longer.

After breakfast he takes me by my hand and sits me down in the living room and then begins what he needs to tell me about things that are happening today and other things. "So today, my mother wants to see me and you can come but i will warn you if she sees you she will give you a full inspection and she will ask you lots of questions, there's been a lot of girls who she has said no to"

"Ok, well she obviously has to like me, I've not done anything wrong"

"Yes but she is very strict and even if you have bad hair or anything she will knock you and even though you have signed the contract  she has the rights to it and she can cancel it, although i can say who get's the contract I can't cancel the contract, my mother has the power over that and that's why i need you to be the best"

"Ok, firstly i will come, secondly i will try and thirdly i will look the best i can" i say smiling and he kisses me on the forehead before telling me to go and get dressed as he follows suit after me as i ready myself for what's about to come.


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