Avatar Roku

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A young girl nine years old lays atop the rafters of the fire temple. She tosses a wooden ball into the air and catches it as it bounces on the ceiling and drops back to her. She looks down and sees the nice fire sage. Kuzon and he smiles at her before returning to his studies.

Studies. The girl stares at the ball her eyes studying the carvings she carved herself. She sighs and returns to tossing the ball.

She looks down as a figure rushes into the room and looks around. He stops when he sees the grand door guarding the entrance into the avatar chamber. The girl grins and speaks in an ethereal booming voice

Who dares approach my chamber!

"What?" The kid looks around confused.

Do you not hear me who dares -

"Hey who are you?" The girl sighs and she swings down so she is hanging from one hand before she jumps down landing deftly on her feet. She studies the boy and crosses her arms.

"You don't know how to blend in do you?"

"You didn't answer my question!"
He says and the girl rolls her eyes.

"What does it matter who I am. Tell me why you wish to enter the chamber"

"There isn't time to explain! Please!" The girl throws up her hands and moves aside. She leans against a pillar and watches as he tries to open the large double doors. The girl begins to toss the ball once more.

"Uggruh!" The boy says

"Frustrated?" The girl asks pocketing the ball.

"I need to get in." He says once more. He studies the girl and says

"can you help me?"

"I'm not a fire bender" the girl says bitterly.

She takes something out of her pocket and
She puts some of it into each hole each fuse is attached to string that she twists together she grips the string and slowly stones from the shore nearby fly through the open window and begin to spiral around he chord until each of the fuses light and the doors open. The girl pulls the string back and she pushes him inside she launches herself into the air barely making it back to the rafter her eyes turn to slits as imperial fire benders along with the sages enter.

"Princess Rai!" "Wake up!" The young girl opens her eyes and she turns until she's sitting up with her legs below her.

""Commander Ghao...for what reason do you disturb my peace?"

"The avatar have you seen him?"

"The avatar died 100 years ago everyone knows that" the girl says keeping her voice steady.

"The avatar has been seen to be alive. He came here to seek out the shrine of Roku ...tell me is he here?"

"Nope" Rai says popping the P. She grins and she grabs her book. She leans back against a rafter and the general sighs.

Rai looks over book and she smiles. "What does it matter where the avatar is? He's not threatening the people if he came here instead of the palace ..."

"Stop! You must cease this ...treasonous speech!

Rai sighs and stops talking.

"Once the chamber opens it closes until Avatar Roku opens it again."

"You open it!" The commander says.

"It's not possible didn't you hear- ..."

"Now...or I shall be forced to...rectify your earlier behavior"

Rai sighs and then she climbs down and goes over to the door.

She closes her eyes and scans the next room. Aang in the Avatar state. And Roku is standing before him. Kai sees the image of a comet engulfing the earth into in flames.

Rai blinks a few times as she backs away from the door.

"Move!" One of the guards pushes Rai and she is flung across the room her head hits a pillar and her eyes roll into the back of her head...

The doors of the chamber bursts open and Avatar Roku comes into the room and towers over all of the guards. He swipes his hand knocking them all down the stairs and the door seals.

Slowly Avatar Roku begins to shrink until he is his regular size and his facial features soften. He goes over to Rai and he picks her up before jumping from the upper temple to the bottom. He moves his arms and the soldiers fling from the temple and land in the water. Then he returns to Rai.

Rai begins to open her eyes and she holds her head. Her eyes open blearily and she stays "mom?"

"Not quite little dragon"

Rail's eyes open slowly and she looks around until she sees Roku. Her eyes widen and she goes to bow low but he catches her chin. "Not need for that my friend he touches her face gently. Rai leans into the touch and she says "tell me what to do" Roku smiles. "Come with me. I am in need of a teacher like you"

"I don't...I'm not from the earth kingdom"

"Be that as it may you have mastered bending not seen for 100s of years."

"But I'm not-..." "you are more worthy then you know" Roku interrupts. Rai raises her eyes.

"It is you who help Aang back to his friends ...you who will change the fate of your nation your people" Rai looks down  her eyes wide. "I must return to the spirit world." Roku puts his hand on Rai's arm. Rai lifts her eyes to him and there's a bright flash of light and she sees him leave on his dragon and Rai looks at the Avatar who's eyes widen and he jumps away from Rai. Rai takes off her outer robes and she hands them to him along with a scarf. "Put those on" "what? Who" ...his eyes widen."

"No time to explain." Rai tells him she takes his hand and she looks around until she finds a group of people with fishing boats.

"Hao!" An older man turns and his eyes widen. "Princess!" He says and Aang jumps away from Rai. "What?!" Aang says. "My friend Lee and I must ...get to the earth kingdom"

"What? You're leaving" his eyes widen when he sets his eyes on Aang. "I understand" he says. He and the rest of the group bow formally to Rai. "Allow us to get some provisions for you" "we must leave before midday that is when I'm expected"

"I understand" he says.

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