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3 years ago

It's time you were some use to me. I know you know how to make potions and elixirs you will make them to aid the war effort until I find a suitable place for you...where you can no longer defy the Firelord...

So that's how Rai found herself chained by a collar living outside tending a garden and making potions guards on every corner watching her...

Rai kneels to harvest a plant and she stops when she hears the admiral's voice. Rai stands up stock straight and she looks down on the ground not making a sound not like she could anyway...

"This is not what I had in mind"

"She is of no use to me....I would sooner dispose of her ...I come to you as a friend..." Rai doesn't move when thin slender fingers grab her chin and look into her eyes.

"What would become of her otherwise?" He asks

"She would remain here in service to the fire lord the traitor she is" the man notices the girl's golden eye narrows ever so slightly and he smirks

"very well I will take her."

"Very well I will have my guards prepare her for transport" Rai hears Zhao say.

She stays still until they're gone before she rushes over to the potions and she quickly bottles the ones that are finished and she dumps the ones that are not knowing the others have no idea how to make potions.

The guards soon come after Rai has placed the last vials into the storage boxes and they grab her arms to take her inside. They force her into a room stripping her of her clothing before blasting her with scalding water before drying her with fire bending and dressing her forcefully.

Rai is handled much like a rag doll she stays limp and I unresistant as she learned it was the easiest way to remain to
sustain as little injury as possible.

They chain the manacles in front of her and take her to the main meeting room where the man is waiting with Zhao.

Zhao goes over to Rai and he tips her head towards him.

He pushes a scroll at her. He tucks it into her tunic. "From your dear uncle" he says leaning into her ear.

Rai stiffens slightly and she glares at the man while the other man grabs her shoulder and begins to lead her out of the stronghold.

At the gate two of the guards nod to each other before one says "princess" they bow to her together and Rai just manages to hear the other say "may Agni guide you with his light" Rai can only incline her head as she travels down the dusty path with the stranger.

They get a few miles down the road before the man stops to sit on a large rock. He takes out a water skin and holds it out. "Drink" he says motioning the skin. He finally takes a sip and Rai observes him before Rai takes it and takes a few gulps of water. "Easy!" He says taking it back.

He stares at Rai for a long moment and he says "I will take you from this place ...but you must listen and do what I tell you to" Rai raises her remaining eyebrow and then man says "you may believe you have no choice. So I tell you this. You may leave now or I will help long as you go with me" Rai's eyes widen and he sighs.

"Hold onto me if you agree to come with me." He says holding out his arm.

A few moments pass and then Rai steps forward and lightly takes his arm. "Hold onto me firmly." He says and he soon holds onto Rai when he notices her weak grip. "It's alright ...this will feel ...strange" he says Rai closes her eyes just as she feels she is forced into a small tube before she's spit out ...she falls to her knees and sicks up mostly water.

Rai shuts her eyes before opening them once more she peers around her surroundings.

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